I'm thrilled and so appreciative of all your support so far! Over 150 people have backed this project and showed faith in the book.
We're about 55% funded, with 48 hours to go. There's two ways to look at it: 1) we're way behind and it's not looking good so far, OR 2) we have a huge opportunity to surprise everyone in the final 2 days!
I am hoping and believing #2, but I need your help. I am not asking for more $$ from you (unless you have a little extra to spread around). I am asking for you to shake and rattle every person you know who might have even a little interest in something like this book. Every single $1 will matter.
And even if someone's not terribly interested in the book, donating to this campaign sends a message to the traditional publishing industry that authors can and should gathe r support from the audience first, so books are written that we know people want. This new approach to getting a book started, even if you fulfill the book through a traditional publisher, has the potential to really shake things up, and make authorship a more accessible and lucrative business for the people who actually do the writing, the authors! Hopefully everyone can get behind that sort of a revolution!
Finally, maybe you know someone at a company who's not terribly interested in more books, but could use consulting in JavaScript, performance optimization, or HTML5. There's some great reward levels where they can buy-in and get something really tangible out, in the form of my consulting time, and it will only take a few of those donations to get us to our goal!
Please, in these next 2 days, please help me get the word out to each and every possible person who could help us get to the end. I am so grateful so far for your support, and excited about what we c an do in this final push. Call, tweet, facebook, g+, and chat it up with everyone you can!
See you on the flip side. :)