Just spilled a beer onto my keyboard

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Just spilled a beer onto my keyboard

Douglas Roberts-2
Not recommended, as it turns your beer into a $35 beer and your keyboard
into a paperweight.  Plus, I'll be typing worse than normal on my spare
until the replacement gets here.


Doug Roberts, RTI
505-455-7333 - Office
505-670-8195 - Cell
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Just spilled a beer onto my keyboard

Douglas Roberts-2

On 1/26/06, Douglas Roberts <doug at parrot-farm.net> wrote:

> Not recommended, as it turns your beer into a $35 beer and your keyboard
> into a paperweight.  Plus, I'll be typing worse than normal on my spare
> until the replacement gets here.
> --Dou
> --
> Doug Roberts, RTI
> 505-455-7333 - Office
> 505-670-8195 - Cell

Doug Roberts, RTI
505-455-7333 - Office
505-670-8195 - Cell
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Just spilled a beer onto my keyboard

Steve Smith
In reply to this post by Douglas Roberts-2

On Jan 26, 2006, at 9:49 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

> *** FRIAM is meeting at Cloud Cliff this Friday 1/27/2005 ***
> Not recommended, as it turns your beer into a $35 beer and your
> keyboard into a paperweight.? Plus, I'll be typing worse than normal
> on my spare until the replacement gets here.
I can top that implied anecdote.   Placing your new iSight camera in
it's magnetic base and placing it on your powerbook just over the
hard-drive turns your laptop into a paperweight and your next 12 hours
into a manic frenzy of  attempts to recover and restore while wondering
about the time-constant of any latent magnetism that might cause your
recovery efforts to be temporary.