Nothin'. Not a peep.
> We are testing Joyent, a hosting service we are evaluating.
> I just sent a few minutes ago the test mail below. Let me know if you
> do NOT get the following in an earlier email:
>> From: Owen Densmore <owen at>
>> Date: March 5, 2008 11:19:47 AM MST
>> To: friam-test at
>> Subject: [Friam-test] Friam Mail Test, Take Two
>> Reply-To: Owen Densmore <owen at>
>> Yesterday I sent 5 emails to this test alias (friam-test at
>> ) on Joyent, a new hosting service we're considering. This was to
>> test the outgoing mail server's capacity.
>> Unfortunately the mail list server, Mailman, had problems -- resulting
>> in many of you not getting *any* test mails at all!
>> This is therefore a second test of a single email to the test alias,
>> just to see if there are still members not getting the test emails.
>> You'll be getting notification of this test on the regular friam list
>> so you know the test is being made.
>> -- Owen
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