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Job at Santa Fe Institute (application deadline April 15)

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Job at Santa Fe Institute (application deadline April 15)

Jim Rutt
28 posts

Group Leader: Information Technology
The Santa Fe Institute is looking for a third member to lead its
Information Technology group. This service-oriented group is expected to
provide high-quality information services to further the scientific and
administrative imperatives of the Institute. Excellent people and technical
skills are important. This person must be able to integrate well into the
team, provide the necessary leadership, and instill a customer service
orientation while supplying quality technical support.

For more information about this hands-on position, please read the full job
description at http://www.santafe.edu/sfi/Employment/jd-itgroupleader.html

Please submit your cover letter, resum?, salary history and requirements,
and three references to:

IT Group Leader Ad
Santa Fe Institute
1399 Hyde Park Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Fax: 505-982-0565

E-mail: [hidden email]

Application deadline is April 15, 2004.

Jim Rutt
voice:  505-989-1115

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