For folks following the J2ME developments, there is now a good suite
of tools appearing in the Mac OS X world. Java phone hacking is becoming more "real".
> Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 12:18:04 -0400
> From: Steve Roy <
[hidden email]>
> Subject: [ANN] MIDlet Runner 1.0
> To: Java Dev <
[hidden email]>
> Following up on Michael Powers MIDP implementation for Mac OS X, I
> wrote a
> little drag-and-drop utility to run MIDlets instead of having to do it
> from the
> terminal.
> MIDlet Runner is a little utility that makes it easy to run MIDlets on
> your Mac,
> taking advantage of the excellent MIDP implementation for Mac OS X by
> Michael
> Powers. MIDlets are little Java applications written for the J2ME
> platform,
> which is itself a version of Java for mobile devices such as phones
> and PDAs.
> The MIDP implementation includes a mobile device emulator which can be
> used to
> launch MIDlets, but one has to first launch an X window system such as
> X11, and
> then launch the MIDlet from the terminal. MIDlet Runner just makes
> this easier
> by doing the work for you and by making sure your Mac is set up
> correctly to run
> MIDlets.
> <>
> MIDlet Runner requires:
> b" Mac OS X 10.0 or higher
> b" X11 from Apple
> b" MIDP for Mac OS X from Michael Powers
> If you don't have X11 or MIDP, just run MIDlet Runner and click the
> Get X11 or
> Get MIDP button. It will take you directly to the web site where you
> can
> download the software.
> Feedback welcome!
> Steve
> --
> Steve Roy <
[hidden email]>
> Personal homepage: <>
> Projects homepage: <>
Owen Densmore 451 Camino Don Miguel Santa Fe, NM 87505
Work: 505-983-6305 Cell: 505-570-0168 Home: 505-988-3787
[hidden email]