Is Latin America ?turns to left a case of emergence?
Citizens of Countries in Latin America ?traditionally governed by members of
the richest families now are electing for Presidents and Mayors to candidates
without fortune belonging to Left Parties. Chile, Argentina, Uruguay,
Bolivia, Brazil and Venezuela are now governed by left presidents. Bogot? in
Colombia, a city with more than 7 millions of inhabitants, and Mexico City
with 20 millions have elected Mayors belonging to left. Something similar
occurs with Governors. Ecuador ?citizens ?overthrow a President ?frequently. ?
Simplistic would seems to say that is the result of the poverty and ?
concentration of richness, and an anti american feeling ?(not against
American citizens, against American politics). But ?Which one are the
features required to say that there is a case of emergence? Maybe is not an
Emergence process of the common citizens taking political power, maybe
millionaires of Latin America don't care to maintain political power in a ?
globalized economy and are looking for more attractive places to invest.
Maybe the real emergence is occurring with millionaires. But again, how to
detect emergence. I don't know.
Hasta pronto
Alfredo Covaleda V?lez