Invitation: [WedTech] Micro:bit event March 8 @ Fri Mar 8, 2019 4pm - 8pm (MST) (

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Invitation: [WedTech] Micro:bit event March 8 @ Fri Mar 8, 2019 4pm - 8pm (MST) (

Tom Johnson (via Google Docs)

[WedTech] Micro:bit event March 8

Fri Mar 8, 2019 4pm – 8pm Mountain Time - Denver
Tom Johnson - organizer
john balwit
Ken P
Greg Sonnenfeld
Paige Prescott
On March 8 4-6 PM, there will be a community micro:bit event at Meow Wolf, jointly sponsored by Meow Wolf, the Computer Science Alliance and the Santa Fe Alliance for Science. It will bring together students, teachers, parents, hackers and many others including I hopeFRIAM and Wedtech to demo, share and, most importantly, generate interest in CS in the community.

A few weeks ago, Ken Prokuski and I brought our micor:bits to FRIAM where they were of interest to many of you. I learned about micro;bits from Paige Prescott, who many of you may know from her long involvement with Project GUTS and NM CS for All. She is now head of the New Mexico Computer Science Teachers Association and the new Computer Science Alliance. The even...

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