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IBM Plays SimCity With Portland, Oregon - Slashdot

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IBM Plays SimCity With Portland, Oregon - Slashdot

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
I'm wondering if city modeling is reaching the scale of TranSims/EpiSims:

As usual, I'm fascinated by the intersection of small scale CAS modeling and large scale simulations: cities, transportation systems, epidemics, economies.

Strategies may be changing now.  For example, you can put together a fairly large cluster on Amazon Web Services for just long enough to run it, paying for the resources only while they are assembled and used.  Another example is the use of GPU programming, which just might be successfully applied to large scale simulations.

The tough part is getting paid for the work!

The other fairly important issue is whether or not the simulation system is easily repurposed to new simulations.  They tend to be fairly specialized, thus possibly less "agile" in terms of new simulation areas.

        -- Owen

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