well said. -----Original Message----- >From: Owen Densmore <owen at backspaces.net> >Sent: Mar 11, 2006 2:12 PM >To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Friam <friam at redfish.com> >Subject: [FRIAM] Hey, a Job for Cheney! > > From Tom Friedman's latest, a nifty job for chain saw Cheney, attached. > > -- Owen > >Mr. Nasty, Brutish and Short-Tempered; [Op-Ed] >Thomas L. Friedman. >Copyright New York Times Company Mar 10, 2006 > >I have a job for Dick Cheney. > >No, no, really. This is not another hunting joke. It's serious: Iraq >is drifting aimlessly, if not toward civil war then toward a violent >political stalemate. If Iraqis can't produce a minimally effective >national unity government now, America can look forward to baby- >sitting this violent stalemate far into the future. > >If we want to avoid that, it's time for some dramatic new thinking >and acting. To put it in a nutshell: It is not time for the U.S. to >leave Iraq, but it is time for the U.S. to start threatening to leave >Iraq. > >When Iraq was just violent, but the political situation seemed to be >stumbling forward, it was possible to believe that a decent outcome >could still be achieved. But when Iraq is increasingly violent, with >ethnic and religious rivals murdering one another and the politicians >squabbling endlessly, there is no reason for optimism. U.S. forces in >Iraq can't be held hostage by the notion that Iraqis may have a civil >war if we leave. They are already having a little civil war, and if >they are determined to have a big civil war, I prefer that they have >it without us. But we need to make one last big push to find an >alternative. > >The Bush team needs to stop telling itself that the news media are >not reporting the good news in Iraq. That's utter nonsense. And it >needs to stop acting like a spectator as events there unfold, with >the secretaries of state and defense making one-day stopovers and >then disappearing. It is time for this administration to start taking >responsibility for the outcome of this war, and not just dump it all >on the military. > >There is no military solution. There is only a political solution, >and it will require some big-time diplomacy to pull off. > >We need to bring together all the newly elected Iraqi leaders for a >national reconciliation conference -- outside Baghdad. We should lock >them in a room and not let them out until they either produce a >national unity government, so Americans will want to stay in Iraq, or >fail to produce that government, which would signal that it's time to >warm up the bus. > >Those choices need to be put to the Iraqis in the most frank, tough- >minded way by the most nasty, brutish and short-tempered senior >official we've got -- and that is Dick ''Darth Vader'' Cheney. Mr. >Veep, this Bud's for you. > >Richard Holbrooke masterfully played this role in bringing an end to >the Bosnian civil war at the Dayton peace conference, and maybe Mr. >Cheney could do the same for Iraq, with the help of our very skilled >ambassador in Baghdad, Zalmay Khalilzad. We need an Iraqi Dayton -- >now. And we need a really bad dude to make it work. > >Mr. Cheney could open the meeting with his low growl by telling the >Sunnis: ''Look, you guys don't want to compromise, fine. Then we'll >just leave you to the tender mercies of the Shiites, who vastly >outnumber you.'' > >To the Shiites: ''You want to rule Iraq and control the oil without >real regard to the Sunnis? Well, you're going to rule over nothing >but a boiling pot, unless you compromise.'' > >And to the Kurds he could say: ''You've behaved most responsibly. >Stick with it. If Iraq falls apart, we will make sure you're taken >care of. We won't ignore the fact that you've built an impressively >decent, democratizing society in your region.'' > >After getting their attention, Mr. Cheney could start cracking heads >on the key issues: > >First, the Shiite alliance has to come up with a new candidate for >prime minister, acceptable to all parties. > >Second, the constitution has to be revised so the Sunnis do not feel >that the Kurds and Shiites are breaking off their own chunks of Iraq, >along with their oil resources. > >Third, the Sunnis need to produce a credible plan for ending their >insurgency. > >Fourth, the parties have to agree on an inner cabinet, with ministers >from each community, which will make all key decisions in >coordination with the new prime minister. > >Fifth, this inner cabinet has to draw up a plan for governing Iraq >from the center -- and not from any one faction. > >Mr. Cheney could then conclude: ''Read my lips -- these are the >minimum requirements for a decent government in Iraq. If Iraqis step >up, Americans will want to stick it out. If Iraqis won't step up, >Americans will want to step out. The American people are ready to >midwife your democracy, but not to baby-sit your civil war.'' > >Mr. Cheney, this is your Kodak moment. Iraqis are notoriously >difficult and fractious. You've got the time and the mean streak to >deal with them. They'll get serious if you're in the room. But just >in case, bring along your shotgun. This is a good job for someone >with bad aim. > >============================================================ >FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv >Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College >lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
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