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Has a Androi- It gives me umpteen updates on umpteen stuff, is there a cure?

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Has a Androi- It gives me umpteen updates on umpteen stuff, is there a cure?

Gillian Densmore
857 posts
Greetings fellow technomancers
At somepoint my samsung runing android runing 4x something has taken it into it's head to buzz for no discernable  reason over small things that no sane human needs to know right now absultutly right then, causing all manner of problems.

What i'm looking for is some way to categorize this increasingly hard to discern "important" ie what I think are important notifications, from the piplines having decided that I reely want to know rightnow is there was a abscure, probably not a issue bug update for the baked in twitter dodad.  This causes the samsungs vibrator to vibrate- as does every darn update that gets dumped at the poor thing.

I'm trying to find someway to tell it what all it can ignore, or put into some kind of system, so that It's  not vibrating-practicly constantly. This has made it difficult to impossible to tell if it's vibrating because of a robo dialer, is it vibrating because a app got a update? etc etc.

Is there some setting or something someplace where I can say to it: If it's on the callender: Screem like John cleas(from montypython) for example: If it's a 1800number junk no sane human cares about, send that the trashbin.

Just as examples I hope this is making sense.

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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Re: Has a Androi- It gives me umpteen updates on umpteen stuff, is there a cure?

Marcus G. Daniels
3121 posts
On 1/22/14, 12:12 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
> What i'm looking for is some way to categorize this increasingly hard
> to discern "important" ie what I think are important notifications,
> from the piplines having decided that I reely want to know rightnow is
> there was a abscure, probably not a issue bug update for the baked in
> twitter dodad.
I saw a piece on CBS Sunday Morning about self-driving cars.   How they
will keep people safe, eliminate traffic and so on.  I didn't know
whether to laugh or cry.   My car's computer, for example, apparently
likes to stay in an always-on mode whenever confronted with a driver
with a Bluetooth phone, even after they leave (perhaps in range in the
house?).   Anyway, if car manufacturers can't keep the computers from
draining the battery dead, why should I think they can handle real-time
safety applications?   All of that software should be open source (so
that it can be scrutinized by the most eyes possible) and implemented
with the most cautious software engineering practices possible.

As to your question, why so many updates?   Because they are all
important, and this kind of software, and actually most software, is
riddled with bugs.   It's a huge problem.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: Has a Androi- It gives me umpteen updates on umpteen stuff, is there a cure?

Gillian Densmore
857 posts
Ah. Does android have someway then to catagorize updates and notifications and possibly adjust the kind of sounds it makes? A bit like the way star trek has red, green, orange blue alerts?

As to the cars being driven by Artificial Inteligence that could, oddly, work. I say that since gaming Ai's have gotten to where they can learn and adapt. FEAR, for example, is noted for doing that. 

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Marcus G. Daniels <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 1/22/14, 12:12 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
What i'm looking for is some way to categorize this increasingly hard to discern "important" ie what I think are important notifications, from the piplines having decided that I reely want to know rightnow is there was a abscure, probably not a issue bug update for the baked in twitter dodad.
I saw a piece on CBS Sunday Morning about self-driving cars.   How they will keep people safe, eliminate traffic and so on.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.   My car's computer, for example, apparently likes to stay in an always-on mode whenever confronted with a driver with a Bluetooth phone, even after they leave (perhaps in range in the house?).   Anyway, if car manufacturers can't keep the computers from draining the battery dead, why should I think they can handle real-time safety applications?   All of that software should be open source (so that it can be scrutinized by the most eyes possible) and implemented with the most cautious software engineering practices possible.

As to your question, why so many updates?   Because they are all important, and this kind of software, and actually most software, is riddled with bugs.   It's a huge problem.


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
to unsubscribe http://redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com