Re: [FRIAM] Harold B. Salomon, American-Haitian Association: network to run
blog for New Mexico-Haiti collaboration, with weekly sharings via Net video
chat -- commit to supply essential food now: Paul Paryski: Rich Murray
in the spirit of "Yes We Can!"
for we are, each and all, COTUS: Citizens of the United States.
and COTOW: Citizens of This Our World.
weekly group video chat, Santa Fe to Haiti, will build warm bonds and make
familial collaboration natural, inevitable, and complexly evolving.
archived with automatic print transcript, along with archived open
as the process replicates, every city and state will collaborate with a city
and nation of opportunity.
we just start doing it, and the doing will evolve, as all good doing must.
In mutual service, Rich Murray 505-501-2298 rmforall at
From: <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:28 AM
To: <friam at>
Cc: <HSalomon at>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Harold B. Salomon,American-Haitian Association for
Medical Econo...
Very interesting indeed. As some of you know, I worked for many years in
Haiti primarily for UNDP and other international organizations and know all
well the problems facing poor Haitian living in abject poverty in a failed,
kleptocratic state.
Perhaps, Dr. Salomon, we could meet some time to discuss Haiti and the
application of IT and complexity to the problems of human development.
Paul Paryski
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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