The Pirate Bay seems to be up to a slew of issues and are taking delight in some jest and raz twards Authorities:
Here's the irony for me: I have yet to (reliably) find a few things they host from tutorials for making better webpages (with gachas) tai chi vidoes. It's also somewhat ironic they've linked to old classic startrek, and StarWars I say it's ironic becaus it wasn't till earlier this year that netflix and Hulu got that kind of thing. Paramount as far as I know doesn't sell classic treks regularly. I mention this because that's been one of there (long list of) defences: So here's a Q for Techies: Before things get even more Warped then they appear to be: Has it accured to these people that if at least documenaries and classic videos were either: Public Domain or made available at reasable price, that visits to Pirates Bay would probably go down oO Some folks might find this interesting to: and a very cool trick for slides with HTML: I knew it was doable, just didn't know it got more polished that is very cool. ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe |
What the entertainment industry needs to do is embrace the concept of streaming media for a small fee (the iTunes model) and even giving some stuff away as a loss leader (the Amazon Prime model). However, the infamous accounting methods and byzantine organizations the industry has used in the past makes that transition difficult for existing properties.
Many properties are owned by a large number of people, some of whom are dead so their estates (usually a large number of people) in complicated arrangements originally intended to hide profits. Putting a legacy entertainment property out on a streaming service requires the cooperation of all the owners and many of them insist on getting paid more than the property is likely generate in fees. The entertainment industry's situation is analogous to an open-source project with multiple contributors when one of those contributors pulls his contributions - like what happened with the Minecraft modding software last year. Another analogy is the difficulty the State of New Mexico had gaining property rights to the original Santa Fe railroad right-of-way - records were scarce, some of the transfers took place in poker games, and some of the transactions were clearly illegal at the time (but have probably passed the statute of limitations for adverse possession). My policy has been to monitor various services for those films and TV shows I really want but are not currently available. When I see the object of my desire become available, no matter the form-factor, I get it while the getting is good. My Amazon Prime Music playlists are constantly having songs become unavailable and then, later, the songs are back. This is always because of the complex property issues - usually someone who no-one even realized owned part of the song pipes up and asks for their cut. Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Old-Timer V: 505-844-4024 M: 505-238-9359 P: 505-951-6084 NIPR: [hidden email] SIPR: [hidden email] (send NIPR reminder) JWICS: [hidden email] (send NIPR reminder) On Sep 21, 2015, at 7:24 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
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