I've been looking into the newly emerging world of java scripting
languages: languages that are far less verbose and detailed than java
itself, yet run on the standard java virtual machine. I wrote an
OReilly blog on a simple use of BSH and PNuts, two popular java
scripting languages. One of the commenters on the article pointed me
to Groovy, YASL (Yet Another (Java) Scripting Language)
http://groovy.codehaus.org/This one looks pretty good to me. I plan to do some explorations over
the next few weeks, seeing if I could ultimately plug this into RePast
so that more novice users, who find java itself intimidating, could
still put together a RePast program.
Owen Densmore 908 Camino Santander Santa Fe, NM 87505
[hidden email] Cell: 505-570-0168 Home: 505-988-3787
http://complexityworkshop.com http://backspaces.net