Groovy : a powerful dynamically typed language for the JVM -

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Groovy : a powerful dynamically typed language for the JVM -

Owen Densmore
I've been looking into the newly emerging world of java scripting
languages: languages that are far less verbose and detailed than java
itself, yet run on the standard java virtual machine.  I wrote an
OReilly blog on a simple use of BSH and PNuts, two popular java
scripting languages.  One of the commenters on the article pointed me
to Groovy, YASL (Yet Another (Java) Scripting Language)

This one looks pretty good to me.  I plan to do some explorations over
the next few weeks, seeing if I could ultimately plug this into RePast
so that more novice users, who find java itself intimidating, could
still put together a RePast program.

Owen Densmore          908 Camino Santander       Santa Fe, NM 87505
[hidden email]    Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787