Groovy Article

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Groovy Article

Owen Densmore
Here's a pointer to an article on the Java scripting language Groovy:

Owen Densmore          908 Camino Santander       Santa Fe, NM 87505
[hidden email]    Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787

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Groovy Article

Stephen Guerin
Looks pretty Groovy :-)

The linked page says:
"In theory, entire applications could be written in Groovy that would have
similar performance characteristics to an equivalent Java application.
This distinguishes Groovy from other scripting languages such as Ruby,
Python, Perl and BeanShell. One of the things that makes Groovy perform
more slowly than Java today is that the generated bytecode frequently uses
reflection. This will be addressed over upcoming releases."

Owen, have you done any simple performance tests that lets you compare it
to the other scripting languages you've been looking at?


--    [hidden email]
624 Agua Fria Street      office: (505)995-0206
Santa Fe, NM 87501        mobile: (505)577-5828

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Groovy Article

Owen Densmore
I tried to run my megabyte file of random bytes test but it failed due
to Groovy not supporting arrays of primitive objects at this point ..
it is still pre-FCS.  But the plan is to have support for all of java
by FCS.  So I'll try the counting to a million some time soon instead.  
Probably after I get back from San Diego .. we're pretty busy here
getting my son Tim's house ready to sell prior to their moving to Santa


On Feb 6, 2004, at 11:46 AM, Stephen Guerin wrote:

> Looks pretty Groovy :-)
> The linked page says:
> "In theory, entire applications could be written in Groovy that would
> have
> similar performance characteristics to an equivalent Java application.
> This distinguishes Groovy from other scripting languages such as Ruby,
> Python, Perl and BeanShell. One of the things that makes Groovy perform
> more slowly than Java today is that the generated bytecode frequently
> uses
> reflection. This will be addressed over upcoming releases."
> Owen, have you done any simple performance tests that lets you compare
> it
> to the other scripting languages you've been looking at?
> -Steve
> --
>    [hidden email]
> 624 Agua Fria Street      office: (505)995-0206
> Santa Fe, NM 87501        mobile: (505)577-5828
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Owen Densmore          908 Camino Santander       Santa Fe, NM 87505
[hidden email]    Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787