Google and Winders heads up

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Google and Winders heads up

Gillian Densmore
Google Chat
Just as a heads up google's been notifying me and likely others their giving their basic chat thing the boot for hangouts. With that is coming some anoying and possibly bad changes. I have two emails. This one and one I use to sign up for forums so as to manage spam.  I've noticed for a while if I sign into my spam aholery acount I show up as that handle. For some that might be awkward.

Windows rant;
Screw force updates with features meant for a phone or tablet. I am not on either. I do not like force updates, at all. The features may simply not work and I for one want to hold off on feature creep. I for one like to opt out of beta quality updates and think it's a bit  weird, and anoying for it to ask (I kid you not): Do you want us to improve your wireless by knowing where you are? 
(I'm on a desktop why would that even apply to me)

Do you want this beta feature now? (no) Are you sure (yes) why (Because it's beta. let me know when you have the gremlins sorted out.)
(=Are you REEELy sure we can shedule a time that's better (me that'd be...never as force udpdates to beta quality bugy features is what your skunks are for.)

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