Google Storage for Developers

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Google Storage for Developers

Owen Densmore
I just got my invite from GS:

Has anyone used it yet?  It appears to have the same style as amazon: buckets and objects.  It's currently slightly more expensive than amazon s3, but hard to tell where it will eventually end up .. like most things google, its still in beta.

We've started looking at s3 and gs as storage for podcasts.

One requirement is being able to copy from server to server, so that we can mirror & replicate the media.  Through a fairly strange stunt in Transmit, a Mac FTP app, I've been able to transfer considerable data from Joyent, my ISP, and amazon s3.  Not sure if that works with gs yet.

    -- Owen

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Re: Google Storage for Developers

Owen Densmore
More info:
- The google web console works well, only good for your local file uploads.
- GSutil is a python command-line utility that can be run on a web hosting server (joyent etc)
  This means you can do server-server transfers!  Way cool, especially when the servers
  are on a 100Mb backbone as many are.
- The performance of gs and s3 seem similar, with gs faster uploading and simpler.

You can try both:

let me know if you see any glitches.  Both should stream after a short buffering pause.

    -- Owen

On Jul 26, 2010, at 10:57 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:

I just got my invite from GS:

Has anyone used it yet?  It appears to have the same style as amazon: buckets and objects.  It's currently slightly more expensive than amazon s3, but hard to tell where it will eventually end up .. like most things google, its still in beta.

We've started looking at s3 and gs as storage for podcasts.

One requirement is being able to copy from server to server, so that we can mirror & replicate the media.  Through a fairly strange stunt in Transmit, a Mac FTP app, I've been able to transfer considerable data from Joyent, my ISP, and amazon s3.  Not sure if that works with gs yet.

   -- Owen

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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