Gershenfield Colloqium at SFI

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Gershenfield Colloqium at SFI

Friam mailing list
Before you make those summer plans, note that Neil Gershenfeld is talking on
July 2 <>

The digital revolution has given us a clear distinction between hardware and
software, between channels and the content they carry, between physical
science and computer science, and ultimately between intelligence and its
embodiment. But it is right at these boundaries between the bits of the
digital world and the atoms of our physical world that the most compelling
opportunities and problems in information technology lay. I will discuss the
science underlying the integration of information with its physical
properties over length scales from atomic nuclei to planetary networks, and
discuss its implications for the life of people, and their machines.
Examples will be drawn from projects addressing new quantum and classical
mechanisms for manipulating information, the interface between biological
and digital systems, the personalization of fabrication, and the development
of appropriate informati on technologies for global development.


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