What a read! I keep up with The Edge but somehow missed this. Thanks!
BTW: Brockman's books, compilations of similar essays by thoughtful
folks, are quite good. I'm reading The New Humanist now and enjoying
it. Enjoyed The Third Culture too.
-- Owen
Owen Densmore
http://backspaces.net -
http://redfish.com -
http://friam.orgOn Oct 30, 2005, at 11:26 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
> Claiborne --
> That was a very satisfying read. All the answers waiting for the
> right question. Faster computers if the problem is getting the
> answer, or more programmers if the problem is asking the question.
> Exact operations at exact times on exact locations in space vs do THIS
> with THAT whenever the opportunity arises.
> -- rec --
> On 10/28/05, qef at aol.com <qef at aol.com> wrote:
>> Greetings, all --
>> You may find this of interest:
>> TURING'S CATHEDRAL [10.24.05]
>> A visit to Google on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of John von
>> Neumann's proposal for a digital computer
>> by George Dyson
>> - Claiborne Booker -
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