Game engines in Java

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Game engines in Java

Martin C. Martin-2
Games are essentially ABMs, and Blender is essentially a game engine.
For ABM work, you probably don't need too many bells and whistles; a
simple game engine might do.  Has anyone looked at game engines in Java?
  I found a list here:

Name Summary
espresso espresso game framework
gamma Flexible and powerful but under development game development kit
genuts A consistent Java framework for 2D game development.
java3dgamesdk Non-native libraries for implementing 3D Game
javagamenetworking Abstract networking API for java games.
jge OctLight - Java 3D game engine
jgeom 3D Geometry Package for Java
jme Java gaming engine.
jnag Java Network API for Games
jnwn An OLRPG Client that supports the NWN Aurora Toolset
joode Java Object Orientated Dynamics Engine
jrpg Java RPG Maker and 2D RPG Game
jrs A library that computes player rankings.
littleenjine Little Enjine - Framework for MIDP 2.0 Game API
m3ge Mobile 3D Game Engine
matching-madness A matching game similar to Crack-Attack and Bejeweled
odejava Physics engine for Java
odenetworking API for physics synchronization using client/server model
shard d20 game engine
simplicity A simple 3D game engine
viaje Java 2D Game Engine
xith3d High performance scenegraph and renderer for gaming

Some can be discounted outright (e.g. odejava is probably just a wrapper
for the ODE physics library), but there are still many to evaluate.

- Martin

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More on rootkits...

Robert J. Cordingley
Saw this and remembered the earlier postings on Sony's rootkits... now
Symantec is involved.,1895,1910077,00.asp

Robert Cordingley
