Begin forwarded message: Date: September 9, 2008 7:25:04 PM MDT Subject: sfx News: September Schedule
 | September Calendar:
Wikis, Water and Single String Concerts
| Santa Fe Complex · 632 Agua Fria · Parking via Romero St. For more information, call 505/216.7562 or visit sfcomplex.org | | |  | Santa Fe Complex is located in the Railyard Art District within walking distance of the hotels, restaurants and shops at the plaza downtown. While there is parking at 624 Agua Fria, the Romero Street parking lot is more conveniently located for the 632 facility.
| | | Don't Like History? Rewrite It. Wiki Edits I've Known and Loved · September 15, 6:00 | We can expect the electoral campaign season to be filled with the usual rewrites of history, similar to the recent New York Times story on the changes made to Sarah Palin's wikipedia page the night before she was introduced as John McCain's running mate. WikiScanner creator Virgil Griffith (aka Romanpoet) will offer his analysis of the various ways people and corporations try to rewrite history--or, at least, their Wikipedia pages--on September 15 at 6:00. Admission is free but a $5.00 contribution is suggested. Virgil, a graduate student in computation and neural systems at Caltech, spends his weekends using "data-mining to make the Internet a better and more interesting place." He is also a visiting researcher at the Santa Fe Institute where he studies emergence and innovation in evolutionary systems and the dynamics of living systems <--more--> | | | | Handicapping the Horseraces | It's human nature: Elections and disinformation go hand-in-hand. We idealize the competition of ideas and the process of debate while we listen to the whisper campaigns telling us of the skeletons in the other candidate's closet. We can, however, learn what is really going on in this fall's campaigns with the growing number of tools available to the serious journalism and the ordinary citizen. Join journalist and journalism professor Tom Johnson for a three-part workshop at Santa Fe Complex to learn how you can be your own investigative reporter and get ready for that special Tuesday in November. <--more--> | New Project at sfX: Modeling Disease Transmissions | Marcus Daniels will give a TechTalk on Wednesday, September 10, at 3:00 pm on disease transmission between deer infected with Bovine Tuberculosis and cattle in the northern counties of the lower peninsula of Michigan.
Marcus will discuss his work with USDA and the Michigan Wildlife Service using an extensive dataset developed by the state of Michigan that tracks harvested deer down to the square mile. His work also used an agent-based model simulating the activities of several hundred thousand deer to predict how disease proliferation might be controlled. In the model, the deer reproduce, move around a home range of realistic size, and die, at realistic rates for their age and sex. This allowed the state to estimate the disease risk to cattle in the vicinity of the simulated sick deer.
Marcus proposes to expand the original study with additional data that are now available. Anyone interested in participating in this project or curious about his earlier work is welcome to attend.
| Mixing Whiskey & Water, Again | Water is complex. It defies common sense in its ability to form and reform. It defies human efforts to corral it into narrow channels. It challenges our assumptions about development when we forget it's a scarce resource. Santa Fe Complex practitioners Paul Paryski and Kim Sorvig propose to use the resources of Santa Fe Complex to develop an agent-based model that examines the social and physical dynamics of water in the arid Southwest. The model will apply complexity science, GIS systems and agent-based models to the age-old problem of water use. <--more--> | Richard Bassara Concert Kicks Off Occam's Razor Festivities | In the spirit of Occam's Razor, Robert Bassara will offer a symphony of the solo string on Saturday, September 27 beginning at 7:00 pm. Bassara, a world traveler, artist, and ethno-musicologist, will play some of the simplest and most unusual instruments -- with exotic names like ecktar, birembaud, winged thing, kyi tzi, jaws a phone, breathe flute, bird flute and ker pe -- in this one-night performance. His performance is a prologue to the Occam's Razor show, which opens on October 18th. Bassara has collected, borrowed, modified, invented, designed, handcrafted or fabricated all the instruments he plays. He will be joined by several other musicians in concert as well as the artists whose work will be displayed in the actual show. The concert is free; a contribution of $5.00 is suggested. Click here for more information. | SF Complex Receives Two Grants to Support its Programs
| JR Henzel, Jr. and the Harnisch Foundation each announced a $5,000 gift to Santa Fe Complex.
JR Henzel, Jr. is a China-based entrepreneur whose grant created the JR Henzel, Jr. Physical Computing Internship to explore and simplify the human-machine interface. "It is a certainty that this area is still in its infancy and worthy of advanced study," Henzel said. "Investments in our promising youth are the soundest that we can make in the futures of all generations that will follow us." The Henzel Internship is held by Dylan Pommer, a 22-year old student the College of Santa Fe in the Moving Arts department.
Dylan is developing a multi-touch screen interface on a light table using infrared line lasers and infrared cameras. The live space on the table is approximately 2.5 feet on a side and the sensors track all hand (or object) movements in this area, assigning a unique ID to each discrete object in the area. (Dylan's light table was a hit at sfComplex's grand opening in June--see the picture above.)
The Harnisch Foundation's $5,000 grant will help Santa Fe Complex develop its fundraising program, announced foundation president Sue Ann Harnisch. The grant specifically supports sfComplex's proposal to design its fundraising program, develop a brand ID to support the program, and implement the program in web- and print-based media. The foundation is a NYC-based organization that provides seed funds to expand their grantees' programs. Our thanks to Ben Goldsmith, a sfComplex intern, who connected us with the Harnisch Foundation.
| Santa Fe Clean Water Forum: Sept. 10 | We're breaking from our blender program for a clean water forum on September 10. Hosted by Watershed Guardians, a branch of WildEarth Guardians, the organization has launched an outreach effort to engage New Mexicans in protecting the state's most precious natural resource, water. The program supports Governor Richardson's initiative to protect over 5000 river miles using a special designation under the Clean Water Act. | | Come Visit Us
| Santa Fe Complex is located in the Railyard Art District within walking distance of the hotels, restaurants and shops at the plaza downtown. We're housed in two facilities, the project space at 624 Agua Fria and the work space at 632 Agua Fria. The conference area contains meeting rooms and facilities for short-term use associated with on-going sfComplex projects. The project space houses the great room, where we hold events and offer Internet access, working facilities, a coffee lounge and work carrels for laptop users. While there is parking at 624 Agua Fria, the Romero Street parking lot is more conveniently located for the 632 facility. Romero St. is an old-style Santa Fe ox-cart road just east of the 624 driveway. Follow it until it opens up to two lanes and turn hard right into the parking lot for 632. Here's a map to our location, a representative shot showing the Railyard District and a sketchup drawing of the facility at 632. For more information, call 505/216.7562 or click here. | Don Begley Managing Director Santa Fe Complex 624 Agua Fria St Santa Fe, NM 87501 | | | | Santa Fe Complex | 624 Agua Fria | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |  ============================================================
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