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Fwd: sfComplex Reminder: Vasulka/Missoula Doubleheader

Don Begley
Seconding, Stephen's earlier note, this should be a very exciting evening. Come on down!


Begin forwarded message:

From: Don Begley <[hidden email]>
Date: August 12, 2008 10:20:06 PM MDT
Subject: sfComplex Reminder: Vasulka/Missoula Doubleheader
Reply-To: [hidden email]

sfComplex Don't Miss Our First Doubleheader

Vasulka-Missoula Oblongata Doubleheader Pushes the Envelope
at Santa Fe Complex

Santa Fe Complex · 632 Agua Fria · Parking via Romero St.
For more information, contact Don Begley at 505/216.7562 or visit sfcomplex.org

Dear Don,
Samantha Giron started the week with a bang and a full house on Monday night. Now, the baton passes to Woody Vasulka and Missoula Oblongata on Wednesday night, August 13.

The evening begins with a retrospective display of work from a generation of "continual interaction within an art community" that was lost as "the idea of realism slowly came to dominate art in the digital era," in the words of digital pioneer Woody Vasulka. The irrepressible artist believes the hyperrealistic phase is fading. He offers this exhibit as a bridge between the earlier period it represents and modern trends. Woody's show begins at 5:00 pm. The Vasulka website, home to the work of Woody and wife Steina, is here.

Missoula-Oblongata, a three-person community that lists the Marx Brothers and Maurice Sendak among their influences, certainly can't be called hyperrealistic. Instead, long-time friends Donna Sellinger, Madeline ffitch and Sarah Lowry pride themselves on their audacious, roll-your-own approach to writing, staging and acting. They'll start their program at 8:00 pm. More info on Missoula-Oblongata is here.

Don't miss this one-of-a-kind evening starting at 5:00 at Santa Fe Complex Wednesday night. Visit our website for more info.

Santa Fe Complex is a nonprofit, community studio creating connections in science, technology and art. Our studio stands on three core activities:

Collaboration to address real-world problems, encourage cooperation and create economic opportunities in applied complexity, urban planning and simulation, and computational arts.

Communication with local, national and international communities about our work in Santa Fe and elsewhere.  Whether it's a live feed or published reports, we broadcast our work - and the role Santa Fe plays in this important effort - to all interested parties.

Education through the principle of learning-by-doing in active projects that lets students be part of, and contribute to, their project team. We offer formal classes, scientific and technology lectures, and internships.

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On tap at the complex . . . 
Music Is Mathematics.
Or, Was that Mathematics Is Music?
Music Theory and Mathematics
Mathematician Jack Douthett and music theorist John Clough wrote the book on music theory and mathematics, so to speak, in their 2008 publication titled, curiously enough, Music Theory and Mathematics: Chords, Collections, and Transformations. Douthett visits Santa Fe Complex on Thursday night, August 14 at 6:00 to review the theory of maximally even sets, an algebraic structure initially designed to model musical scales and chords, with an emphasis on visualization. For more information, click here.
WedTechs Reborn & Expanded

We're reviving and expanding a community tradition that existed before Santa Fe Complex was born: the Wednesday afternoon tech talk on matters complex. Each Wednesday we'll open the Complex to a community forum on the Internet, 3D- and agent-based modeling or any other topics that pique the interest of technology experts and novices alike. The sessions run from 1:00 to 3:00 at sfX, 632 Agua Fria. Lunch is available for a $7.00 contribution to defray costs.

WedTech's technical talk tradition will continue as well. This Wednesday, August 13 at 1:00, we'll be joined by Larry Kilham entitled Original Thinking, Innovation and Imagination in the Complex World. Larry is an entrepreneur and engineer with three patents to his name and an IR-100 award (developer of one of the 100 most significant technical products in 1986) for his work in optical and video processing.

Sharpening the Artistic Vision
Occam's Razor
All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best, or so said William Oakham back in the 14th century. Somehow, that became Occam's Razor and set the standard for evaluating scientific explanations and theories.

Albert Einstein saw the risk of excessive simplicity, though, and countered by saying, "Things should be as simple as possible but not simpler."

 What does that have to do with Santa Fe Complex's first juried art show? It's up to the artists, who can explain their ideas here. We'll be happy with a cabinet of curiosities, a science fair, an art exposition, and a three-ring circus of brilliant and fun interpretations of the wisdom of Messrs. Oakham and Einstein. For more information, click here. Entry concepts are due September 2; the opening date is October 18.
Come Visit Us
Noisefold Performer Corey Metcalf
Santa Fe Complex is located next to the Railyard Art District and within walking distance of the hotels, restaurants and shops at the plaza downtown. We're housed in two facilities, the conference area at 624 Agua Fria and the project space at 632 Agua Fria.

The conference area contains meeting rooms and facilities for short-term use associated with on-going complex projects. The project space houses the great room, where we hold events and offer working facilities for laptop users, coffee lounge and work carrels.

While there is parking at 624 Agua Fria, the Romero Street parking lot is more conveniently located for the 632 facility. Romero St. is an old-style Santa Fe ox-cart road just east of the 624 driveway. Follow it until it opens up to two lanes and turn hard right into the parking lot for 632.

Here's a map to our location, a representative shot showing the Railyard District and a sketchup drawing of the facility at 632. For more information, call 505/216.7562 or click here.
Don Begley
Managing Director
Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria St
Santa Fe, NM 87501
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