Fwd: sfComplex Event: Frito Friday (Graphic Content)

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Fwd: sfComplex Event: Frito Friday (Graphic Content)

Don Begley
As Steve Smith noted earlier, there is SIG-graphic content at this week's Frito Pie. Come by for info, food & mingling. No charge, donations welcome.


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From: Don Begley <[hidden email]>
Date: August 28, 2008 11:40:04 AM MDT
Subject: sfComplex Event: Frito Friday (Graphic Content)
Reply-To: [hidden email]

sfComplex Graphic Content Advisory!

SIGGraph Frito Friday @ sfX

Santa Fe Complex · 632 Agua Fria
Parking via Romero St.

For more information, contact Don Begley at 505/216.7562 or visit sfcomplex.org

If you follow the complex from the Santa Fe area, drop by tomorrow night at 7:00 to meet other complex-ers and enjoy a summer evening complete with sunset. Itenerant technologists Martin and Megan will be offering their own concept of Vegan Frito Pie.

Dave Modl and Steve Smith will report from their trip to SIGGRAPH 2008, the 35th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, earlier this month. They will run videos from the meeting, plus discuss a side trip to the Allosphere and a special gig Steve did with the MythMeisters.

As  if that weren't enough, Martin & Megan will relate a short summary of their experiences traveling the Americas by Craigslist. Martin will also relate various methods of computer recycling including a project he worked on in Uganda to put computers into schools there.

As always, we'll have Frito pies, sodas and relaxed conversation. Take a break from the gallery openings or start your weekend on a relaxed note with a pair of Santa Fe traditions, one old (Frito pies) and one new (Frito pie Fridays). It's free (as always, we accept donations to defray our costs) and fun.

P.S. Woody Vasulka returns for his final discussion of his dialogue with the machine next Wednesday, September 3. Details coming shortly.

Don Begley
Managing Director
Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria St
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Come Visit Us
Noisefold Performer Corey Metcalf
Santa Fe Complex is located next to the Railyard Art District and within walking distance of the hotels, restaurants and shops at the plaza downtown. We're housed in two facilities, the conference area at 624 Agua Fria and the project space at 632 Agua Fria.

The conference area contains meeting rooms and facilities for short-term use associated with on-going complex projects. The project space houses the great room, where we hold events and offer working facilities for laptop users, coffee lounge and work carrels.

While there is parking at 624 Agua Fria, the Romero Street parking lot is more conveniently located for the 632 facility. Romero St. is an old-style Santa Fe ox-cart road just east of the 624 driveway. Follow it until it opens up to two lanes and turn hard right into the parking lot for 632.

Here's a map to our location, a representative shot showing the Railyard District and a sketchup drawing of the facility at 632. For more information, call 505/216.7562 or click here.
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Santa Fe Complex | 624 Agua Fria | Santa Fe | NM | 87501

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