Fwd: You're Invited - Salon Different on 3/2 & 3/4

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Fwd: You're Invited - Salon Different on 3/2 & 3/4

Merle Lefkoff-2

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Merle Lefkoff <[hidden email]>
Date: Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 5:58 PM
Subject: You're Invited - Salon Different on 3/2 & 3/4
To: [hidden email]

noun   sa·lon   | sə-ˈlän , ˈsa-ˌlän , sa-ˈlōⁿ |
A gathering of people held to increase the knowledge
of the participants through conversation.

Please join us for the second gathering of our "Salon Different for the City Different" series where Dr. Naresh Singh will provide a fascinating global context to the immigration struggle.

Highly respected and widely published, Dr. Singh will explore with us the realities of global immigration including the underlying causes, how various nations and communities are responding, and emergent solutions.  Dr. Singh is the pioneer of the “Sustainable Livelihoods” approach to poverty reduction now being used internationally.  He brings over three decades of work in international development in more than 50 countries.  Following Dr. Singh’s talk, the Salon offers a space for participants to communicate in informal generative group discussion.  It is a forum for local progressive thinkers to gain new information, weigh emerging questions, and ignite ideas for system level change.
  • Session 1: Friday, March 2nd at 7:30 pm
    (dessert & drinks will be served)

  • Session 2: Sunday, March 4th at 2:00 pm
    (light refreshments will be served)
Please RSVP to: [hidden email] (address and map to follow)

Sincerely Yours,

Merle Lefkoff              Marilyn Winter-Tamkin
Founder & Co-Chair     Co-Chair
Admission is free.
Contributions to the Center for Emergent Diplomacy will be greatly appreciated.

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Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
[hidden email]
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skype:  merle.lelfkoff2
twitter: @Merle_Lefkoff

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