Tomorrow night the Santa Fe City Council will consider an all-important proposal to fund Santa Fe Complex. Here's the message I sent to our subscribers to ask for their support. If you would like to join this effort, please read on:
| This Wednesday, December 10, the City Council will decide whether to support the work of Santa Fe Complex. This important decision will determine whether we can continue our efforts at Santa Fe Complex to create a community studio building connections across art, science and technology. |
| You Can Help We've had tremendous community response to the complex since our grand opening in June. You can show the councilors that support by coming to the meeting on December 10 at 7:00 in the convention center at 201 W. Marcy. Or, if you prefer, you can call or email your counselor with a message of support for sfX. Better yet, you can do both. Click here to find your counselor's contact information and see a map to the convention center. Click here to forward this message to your friends. Read on to learn more about the council's coming vote. |
By Supporting Our Proposal to Build the Future We are proposing a three-year economic & workforce development plan that will provide up to $165,000 per year for the next three years to Santa Fe Complex. (Technically, it's an economic development professional services agreement under a request for innovative business development projects that was issued by the city's Economic Development Department last August.) Our proposal was reviewed by city staff, which recommended its adoption to the Economic Development Review Subcommittee. ERDC unanimously approved staff's proposal and forwarded it to the Business & Quality of Life Committee, which also unanimously supported sfX's proposal. If the council adopts these recommendations and our porposal, we will implement a three-part program focused on project-based business and workforce development. It will include: Collaborative workspaces to expand the business opportunities and connections for Santa Fe's knowledge-based workers who frequently operate as home-based businesses without broader partnerships; Educational programs to expand the knowledge and skills of students across all socioeconomic groups through interactive, project-based internships and specialized classroom activities; and Public forums and events to expand collaboration, community and involvement in the scientific, artistic and public issues of our time. |
While Protecting the City's Investment We will make regular reports to the Economic Development Department on specific performance measurements. If we don't deliver, we won't be funded: An innovative but prudent approach to growing our economy while ensuring the city is protected during the proposal's term. |
And Uniting Santa Fe's Strengths We can meet this goal because our proposal builds on Santa Fe's strengths. As a community studio creating connections across art, science and technology, we bring together the rich artistic and scientific traditions of our area, creating a common space for their practitioners to learn from each other.
We've had tremendous community response to this mission. Our mailing list has grown to over 400 active subscribers; we've held 74 public events through December 3 with an average attendance of 30, or almost 2200 attendees in total; we have three active youth mentorship programs already underway in this school year, a mapping project to create a youth map for Santa Fe, and a long list of additional projects you can review on our website. Plus, we are proud to host such popular and important programs as Cafe Scientifique, a youth-driven science program, and the Q-Bios lecture series from Los Alamos National Labs. |
Through a Community Connecting the Worlds of Art and Science
We've done this with over 6,000 hours of volunteer labor and the financial contributions of private donors and complex supporters. That's not enough, however. Santa Fe Complex needs a baseline of financial support for it to grow and achieve its mission. The current economic crisis has slowed our fundraising and made the city's support more important than ever. |
| As one of the volunteers at the complex, I've been humbled by the support and enthusiasm our community has shown for our efforts. And, I'm confident we'll get to continue our conversations about art, science and technology for years to come. So I want to thank you for supporting us this week and for the six months we've been working together on our community studio. Please come to the council meeting. Please call or email your councilor. And, above all else, please continue to be part of our growing community of Santa Fe Complex supporters. Sincerely, |
Don Begley Santa Fe Complex |
P.S. Remember, click here to find your counselor's contact information and see a map to the convention center. See you Wednesday at 7:00pm. Click here to forward this message to your friends. |
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Santa Fe Complex | 624 Agua Fria | Santa Fe | NM | 87501 |

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