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Fwd: Twitter / txjs: It's a good day for JavaScript! ...

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Fwd: Twitter / txjs: It's a good day for JavaScript! ...

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
Sorta an in-joke but:

  -- Owen

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Re: Twitter / txjs: It's a good day for JavaScript! ...

Gary Schiltz-4
402 posts
Okay, I'll bite. What is the inside joke about "undefined is not a function"?


On Apr 15, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Owen Densmore <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sorta an in-joke but:

  -- Owen

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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Re: Twitter / txjs: It's a good day for JavaScript! ...

Marcus G. Daniels
3121 posts
On 4/15/13 9:07 PM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
Okay, I'll bite. What is the inside joke about "undefined is not a function"?
Suppose you have a JavaScript function that's intended to take an object as an argument, and you forget to provide it when you call the function.  No problem!

Say the function is called `go to lunch' and the object is supposed to be a credit card.

Now you're done with lunch, and you pass the waiter that object that is intended to be used to pay for lunch.  The waiter swipes it on the credit card reader, and it remarks "undefined is not a function."   Good enough for Santa Fe, I suppose.   How about for a Dreamliner?


FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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