Well, the first BCWeekly certainly is full of a lot of stuff!
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Bitcoin Weekly <[hidden email]>Date: Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 9:12 AM
Subject: This Week's Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency News (#2)
[hidden email]
Issue 2 April 6, 2014
Welcome to the first full issue of Bitcoin Weekly - thanks for subscribing. If you missed our sample issue 1, you can read it on the Web here. |
We're a little late with this issue which is why it's going out on a Sunday, but from this week onwards, Bitcoin Weekly will be with you each Friday. Thanks again. |
- Stanislas Marion (Editor) and Peter Cooper (Publisher) |
Finding Equilibrium: Searching for the true value of a Bitcoin
Gyft founder Vinny Lingham explains his perspective on Bitcoin’s current price and why it probably won’t go up significantly for at least a quarter. The main reason is that merchant adoption is far outpacing consumer adoption, putting a lot of pressure on the sell side.
Vinny Lingham
[VIDEO] CoinSummit panels
The CoinSummit event took place last week, gathering most of the major players in Bitcoin and producing very compelling discussions.
The Fierce Battle for the Soul of Bitcoin
Riveting story about the clash between crypto-libertarians and VCs on the soul and role of Bitcoin. It’s uncertain who will win, or even if there will be a winner at all, but this experiment provides a fantastic window into how innovation from the fringe becomes mainstream.
Bitcoin is more like land than email.
A really smart and innovative way to explain the Bitcoin protocol by comparing it to land, which provides a very easy segue into what smart contracts are. Must read if you think Bitcoin works like email.
Richard Gendal Brown
The Fifth Protocol
Naval Ravikant, founder of Angel List, continues his series on the Bitcoin protocol and how it will enable large networks of machines to transact and solve hard problems such as congestion control.
Development / Code
Jeff Garzik on Bitcoin Development
Jeff Garzik, Bitcoin core dev, talks with us about what it’s like to be a developer for Bitcoin; how to make it more secure; what Bitcoin developers have learned from the MtGox crisis; new features that we’ll this year; and what we can expect from Bitcoin 2.0.
Bitcoin is Key to Empowering Small Businesses
Small companies have access to platforms such as AWS and social media to reach a large number of customers online, but they lack a way to accept payments that doesn’t cripple their margins. Bitcoin could be it.
Legal / Law
How OneName Makes Bitcoin Payments as Simple as Facebook Sharing
OneName purports to be a decentralized identity network built on the Namecoin blockchain that allows users to regain control over their personal information, sharing it with who they want and makes Bitcoin payments easier by removing the need for the user to deal with Bitcoin addresses.

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