Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki, the Yoda of math and the ABC Conjecture proof: Won't explain will I!
Just for math folks, others please delete. -- Owen ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe |
Just be contrary, I submit that folks without Math *CHOPS* might want to read on anyway... it is really a story as much about the discipline of mathematics and it's communal (or not) nature. Project Wordsworth also seems to be trying to change the model for funding writing of this nature by soliciting voluntary payment/support. It seems to be a project run by a group of grad students (the authors themselves?) from the Columbia University Journalism dept. A chance to put our money where our mouth is. My current excuse (which is sticking in my craw as I type this) is that until there is a good micropayment method, it is just too much work/risk to put in a credit card number etc. For the relatively small amount I'm willing to throw down for this article... I might pay a similar amount to a tip I'd give the carhop at sonic for a cherry limeade... "$1.60? Here's $2, keep the change". And ideally it should be just as easy as that. When I first discovered RadioLab (podcast) they were soliciting support viat TXT... I don't remember the details but I think I either txted a $$ amount to a specific phone number which they billed me through my phone service or it was a fixed amount ($5 or $10) that they were soliciting. In the spirit of "put up or shut up", I feel compelled to "pay my way", but yet still don't feel there is a good method for doing that at the same fine grain as tipping carhops, etc. I have supported KUNM in the past but I neither listen to it on the airwaves nor on the internet, I've come to being more selective, going straight to the source (e.g. democracy now, radiolab, sean hannity) for my poisons... Great stories are worth something. Help us figure out how much. How much is this story worth to you? Please enter an amount: $
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Owen and other mathies -
And now for some Silly Talk (rhyme's with the Monty Python Players Silly Walk?): I think this story relates well to the discussion earlier about "Outsider Science" and the communal/consensual nature of Science. While this is technically Mathematics, "merely" a branch of Philosophy and/or a "tool" for doing Science, most if not all of the same principles apply to this story since what is happening is that someone (with credibility in the community) has laid down a challenge to his peers in the form of a "proof" of a conjecture that would be a a theorem. The fact that he is unwilling or unable (?) to engage with others significantly to explain or defend his proof and that *others* are unwilling to do the hard work to slog through it creates an interesting conundrum. As a matter of practicality, I understand how many would be unwilling, and why some would claim that if "nobody bothers" then the "proof is not a proof at all". On the other hand, if he has done his work and the proof is there, despite requiring a long and arduous engagement with (apparently) a lot of intermediate work he has done, then some day it *will* be verified by another and will have been a "proof" all along, even if it wasn't shared by a community larger than himself. I believe it is proper to say that Fermat's Last Theorem (which relates to the ABC conjecture at hand) was a Theorem all along, but only once a proof was found (and shared and validated) could we actually make that claim... until then it was a Conjecture which may or may not have a known (only to now-dead Fermat?) proof... I'm not really that plugged into the academic world, but I can't imagine there isn't some young prodigy right now lining up to get HER PhD by mining Mochizuki's work and not only verifying his work, but also finding some other gems in the work he did to get there which would provide the basis for some original research (harder and harder to find these days?). It also seems that there are enough practical uses for this type of abstract math (generally in the domain of cryptography?) to attract people to sorting through all this for possible financial gains? I *LOVED* the mathematical circumlutory style of his opening statement in his first paper: It might be the case that some folks here (I'm thinking Frank Wimberly in particular) already might know what a Frobenius Monoid would be and how they might differ from an anabeloid] (Anabelle's Monoid?). With a BS (stale 35 years) in Math and a lot of lay/professional-interest over decades, I admit to still feeling lame while trying to tread water in Mochikizu's puddle. I had the great good fun of mucking around in Fiber/Vector Bundles 15 years ago which suggests I might be able to continue on and figure out Frobenoids and such, but seems likely not, which sounds like hardly even a start toward understanding his proof.“Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters,” starts out by stating that the goal is “to establish an arithmetic version of Teichmuller theory for number fields equipped with an elliptic curve… by applying the theory of semi-graphs of anabelioids, Frobenioids, the etale theta function, and log-shells.” I didn't follow your suggestion to delete, nor my good judgement to not try to drill down into Teichmuller theory, Frobenoids, and etale theta funcitons so I suppose I got what I deserved! Quaquaversally yours, - Steve ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe |
Owen and other mathies -And also "only for MathHoles" who like this particular brand of Silly Talk: Rather than try to scale “Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory I: Construction of Hodge Theaters” in a full frontal assault, I decided to try to flank it (or at least start acclimatizing to the elevation) by reading Grigori Perleman's proof of the Poincare Conjecture. Before even starting on it I was blown away that Perleman has declined the EMS prize (1996), the Fields Medal (2006) and the Millenium Prize 2010 ($US1M for his solution to the Poincare Conjecture)! He has held a very high standard for ethics and has withdrawn from (professional?) mathematics as a consequence of public behaviour of other mathematicians who he feels are being dishonest and starting with the light shed on him by the Fields (declined) medal, he claims he cannot remain in the milieu. He is reported to being unemployed and living with his mother. His mother dropped out of Grad School in Mathematics to raise him, maybe they sit in the kitchen after dinner scribbling equations on the refrigerator with recycled white-board markers (add a few drops of vodka to the tips to get their juices flowing again). From Wikipedia: Originally conjectured by Henri Poincaré, the theorem concerns a space that locally looks like ordinary three-dimensional space but is connected, finite in size, and lacks any boundary (a closed 3-manifold). The Poincaré conjecture claims that if such a space has the additional property that each loop in the space can be continuously tightened to a point, then it is necessarily a three-dimensional sphere. This whole business is rather subtle to my palate, but there are several interesting things I encountered on my way to trying to shovel this down. Hardly seems worth $US1M! First, it is quite interesting that Perleman used (inspired by earlier work done by Richard Hamilton) something called Ricci flow which appears to be somewhat like a flood-fill or diffusion process modulated by the curvature of the manifold, the way the descriptions read, it feels as if the discoverer (Hamilton) of this was inspired *by* the idea of heat diffusion. This seems like a good example of art (mathematics) imitating life (physics). I wonder if this type of physicsOmorphising of mathematics detracts from the elegance of the proof? It seems it might. Wading through Ricci tensors was entertaining. While relativity was the most interesting of the physics I studied a lifetime ago, it is the one area I've really never stumbled into an application for, beyond "metaphorical" ones, in particular for the properties of reimannian geometry. Anybody else wade into any of this yet? - Steve And now for some Silly Talk (rhyme's with the Monty Python Players Silly Walk?): ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College to unsubscribe |
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