Fwd: The 2017 Data Scientist Report is now available

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Fwd: The 2017 Data Scientist Report is now available

Tom Johnson

Tom Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism   --     Santa Fe, NM USA
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Data Science Central <[hidden email]>
Date: Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 9:35 AM
Subject: The 2017 Data Scientist Report is now available
To: Tom Johnson <[hidden email]>

Sponsored News from Data Science Central
Data Scientist Report

Dear AI Aficionado,

For the third year in a row, we surveyed data scientists (nearly 200 this year) from all manner of organizations. We asked questions from years past like gauging happiness levels and demand for data scientists and new questions about characteristics of the data used by our respondents. New this year -- lots of insights into the word of AI with a special emphasis on the important components of AI success like algorithms and training data.

We compiled it all into one free report which you can download here.

Some of our favorite insights:

  • 88% of data scientists report being happy or very happy in their roles (although 3% would rather be rockstars ).
  • 89% of data scientists are contacted for new job opportunities at least once a month and 30% contacted several times a week.
  • 72% of data scientists plan on riding in a self-driving car within 5 years.

The full report contains well over a dozen key insights on the state of data scientists, AI initiatives and data itself. We hope you enjoy reading the report as much as we did compiling it.

Best Regards,

Randi Barshack
VP Marketing | CrowdFlower

P.S. 28% of data scientists would rather break a leg than accidentally delete their training data. Learn more about the value of training data at Train AI 2017. Get 28% off your registration with code BreakALeg28.


Try CrowdFlower Now  |  About CrowdFlower


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