Fwd: Regulators and Hackers Put Bitcoin to the Test - NYTimes.com

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Fwd: Regulators and Hackers Put Bitcoin to the Test - NYTimes.com

Owen Densmore
OK, I admit to a fascination with BC.  This article:
has the advantage of being written by a non-techie and looking at recent failures, along with an eye towards its possible outcomes.

Outside the tech, the main puzzle for me is how to deal with the extreme volatility.  I sorta keep my eye on the Euro to plan for when I pay for my skype italian classes.  Futures so to speak.

I think the one thing, beyond tech, that will hobble BC is this two sided interest: one as speculation, one for a universal currency.  Extreme inflation/deflation is bound to kill it if it is not controllable.

   -- Owen

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