Fwd: Paleolagoas...Palaeolagoons...Paleolagunas -- rapidly expanding data for Holocene shallow air burst craters in Brazil: Pierson Barretto 2012.01.08

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Fwd: Paleolagoas...Palaeolagoons...Paleolagunas -- rapidly expanding data for Holocene shallow air burst craters in Brazil: Pierson Barretto 2012.01.08

Rich Murray-2
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pierson Barretto <[hidden email]>
Date: 2012/1/8
Subject: Paleolagoas...Palaeolagoons...Paleolagunas

Hello for all
Ola a todos

For Release

Nova publicação (2012) sobre a investigação cosmogênica de paleolagoas
no Boletin Huygens da Agrupacion Astronomica de La Safor, Espanha.
New publication (2012) on research of cosmogenic palaeolagoons in the
Huygens Bulletin of the Astronomical Grouping of La Safor, Spain.


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