Looks like RDF has made a leap forward: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft agree on a semantic markup:
http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/introducing-schemaorg-search-engines.htmlhttp://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/So Knowledge Reef (Marco) and Redfish were right about the importance of a semantic framework (Triple Stores). Hope the underlying software technologies now do well.
-- Owen
Quote: To make this information machine-processable, RDF defines a structure for these statements. A statement is formally called a [triple], meaning that it is made up of three components. The first is the subject of the triple, and is what we are making our statements about. In all of these examples the subject is 'Albert'.
The second part of a triple is the property of the subject that we want to define. In the examples here, the properties would be 'was born on', 'was born in', and 'has a picture at'. These are more usually called predicatesin RDF.
The final part of a triple is called the object. In the examples here the three objects have the values 'March 14, 1879', 'Germany', and '
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