Didn't Hubble (astronomer) at one one time speculate the universe kind of just exist?
IIRC Hesineberg (Whos' name I can't spell) also speculated the universe basicaly just existed. IIRC that was one of the on-going debates with einstein (whos name I also I also can't spell).
My (very poor) understanding is that Heisenburg didn't have a solid proof that the universe might have spontaneously have formed somehow. While reading a (somewhat) updated edition to Breif history of time Hawking coments that's a possibility.
For What it's Worth Ages ago at in college one of my (first) professors then latter friends that I had the honor of getting to know back in the 90s a fellow named Davids. Underspoken Nobeloriet for his work on planetary science and stellar-chartography. He had worked on some kind of theory where all the universe, planets etc might have come from.
IIRC his theory that was meant to compliment the big bang hypothises. Somehow after everything was made would (essentially) keep going as some form of energy.
I haven't a clue how far he got on his work as I lost contact with him.
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