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Nextdoor Saint John's College <[hidden email]>Date: Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 4:11 PM
Subject: March for Science - Santa Fe. 4/22 from the Plaza to the Capitol
[hidden email]

Hi Santa Fe! Just wanted to invite anyone who's interested in science, science education, or science policy, to join me at the March for Science - Santa Fe, coming up on 4/22, Earth Day.
We'll gather at 10 AM at the Plaza downtown, march to the Capitol at 10:30, with a rally and expo at the Capitol roundhouse from 11 to 2. This will be a fun, kid-friendly and family-friendly event, that makes our voices heard but also showcases the ways that science surrounds us—especially here in Santa Fe and northern New Mexico. There will also be speakers,... Read more
March for Science Santa Fe
The March for Science - Santa Fe is an event that unites with over 350 other ...
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