Tom Johnson - Inst. for Analytic Journalism
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Date: Apr 22, 2014 5:03 AM
Subject: Journal of Simulation - Table of Contents alert Volume 8 Issue 2
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Volume 8, Issue 2 (May 2014) |
In this issue
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Articles | Top |
 | Dynamic specialization for symbiotic simulation-based operational decision support using the evolutionary computing modelling language (ECML)
Heiko Aydt, Wentong Cai & Stephen John Turner J Simulation 2014 8: 105-114; advance online publication, September 27, 2013; 10.1057/jos.2013.15
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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A simulation approach to study emergency response
M J Henchey, R Batta, A Blatt, M Flanigan & K Majka J Simulation 2014 8: 115-128; advance online publication, October 18, 2013; 10.1057/jos.2013.20
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Agent-based simulation applications in marketing research: an integrated review
A Negahban & L Yilmaz J Simulation 2014 8: 129-142; advance online publication, November 1, 2013; 10.1057/jos.2013.21
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Range statistics and equivalence tests
E J Chen J Simulation 2014 8: 143-150; advance online publication, November 22, 2013; 10.1057/jos.2013.23
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Design and analysis of an automated order-picking workstation
R Andriansyah, L F P Etman, I J B F Adan & J E Rooda J Simulation 2014 8: 151-163; advance online publication, December 6, 2013; 10.1057/jos.2013.24
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Modelling and simulating the dynamic environmental factors in post-seismic relief operation
M Peng, H Chen & M Zhou J Simulation 2014 8: 164-178; advance online publication, February 7, 2014; 10.1057/jos.2013.27
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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