fyi. Good articles, but unrealistically expensive.
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Journal of Simulation Alert <[hidden email]>
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 6:09 AM
Subject: Journal of Simulation - Table of Contents alert Volume 5 Issue 2
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Volume 5, Issue 2 (May 2011) |  |
In this issue Articles
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Articles | Top |
Case study: modelling passenger flows in Heathrow Terminal 5A Beck
J Simulation 2011 5: 69-76; advance online publication, April 1, 2011; 10.1057/jos.2011.4 Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Towards collaborative component-based modelling
H S Sarjoughian, J J Nutaro & G Joshi J Simulation 2011 5: 77-88; advance online publication, May 14, 2010; 10.1057/jos.2010.5
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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A simulation model for policy decision analysis: a case of pandemic influenza on a university campus
O M Araz, T Lant, J W Fowler & M Jehn J Simulation 2011 5: 89-100; advance online publication, April 16, 2010; 10.1057/jos.2010.6
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Using simulation to model and optimize acute care access in relation to hospital bed count and bed distribution
Y Wang, W L Hare, L Vertesi & A R Rutherford J Simulation 2011 5: 101-110; advance online publication, May 14, 2010; 10.1057/jos.2010.7
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Modelling and simulation of a real Internet radio service
D Melendi, R García, X G Pañeda & V García J Simulation 2011 5: 111-122; advance online publication, May 28, 2010; 10.1057/jos.2010.11
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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Marketing health care simulation modelling: towards an integrated service approach
E Altsitsiadis J Simulation 2011 5: 123-131; advance online publication, August 20, 2010; 10.1057/jos.2010.12
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
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