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Fwd: [JASSS] New issue of Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 8(4)

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Fwd: [JASSS] New issue of Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 8(4)

Robert Holmes-2
56 posts
JASSS have a special issue about the epistemology of simulation. Looks like
there's a lot of thought provoking papers in this issue (too many!). Perhaps
we should divide the load up between us all to work out which are the good
ones :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Date: Oct 31, 2005 7:23 AM
Subject: [JASSS] New issue of Journal of Artificial Societies and Social
Simulation, vol. 8(4)
To: jasss-reg-readers at soc.surrey.ac.uk

The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (
http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk) published issue 4 of Volume 8 on 31 October

JASSS is an electronic, refereed journal devoted to the exploration and
understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. It is
freely available, with no subscription.

This issue is our largest ever, with 12 peer-reviewed articles, eight of
them forming a special section on Epistemological Perspectives, edited by
Ulrich Frank and Klaus Troitzsch.

By popular demand, we have a limited supply of JASSS T-shirts for sale from
http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/admin/JASSS-T-Shirt.html . These feature the
JASSS logo on the front and are available at modest cost in two sizes.

The reputation of JASSS in publishing articles of the highest quality
depends on the work of its referees, who evaluate submissions and provide
constructive advice to authors. We are very grateful indeed to those who
reviewed articles in 2005:
Petra Ahrweiler, Vito Albino, Manuel Alfonseca, Frederic Amblard, Michael
Ashkenazi, Raul Bagni, Eli Ben-Naim, Roberto Berchi, Mark Birkin,
Marie-Edith Bissey, Riccardo Boero, Rafael H Bordini, Francois Bousquet, Sam
Bowles, P.C. Buzing, Javier Carbo, Marco Castellani, Edmund Chattoe, David
Chavalarias, David Cornforth, Derek Cummings, Arianna Dal Forno, Nuno David,
Paul Davidsson, Peter Deadman, Guillaume Deffuant, Chris Dellarocas, Georg
Dorffner, Eva Ebenhoh, Bruce Edmonds, Donald Elsas,
Torsten Eymann, Philip G. Feldman, Thomas Fent, Ilan Fischer, Andreas
Flache, Anselm Fleischmann, Hugo Fort, Serge Galam, Derek Gatherer, Randy
Gimblett, Chris Goldspink, Nick Gotts, Andreas Gronlund, Francois Guerrin,
David Hales, Rainer Hegselmann, Frank Hillebrandt, Luis Izquierdo, Wander
Jager, Marco Janssen, Paul Johnson, Ioannis D Katerelos, Kay Kitazawa,
Juergen Kluever, Johannes Kottonau, Andreas G. Koulouris, Ulrich Krause,
Thomas Kron, Adolfo Lopez-Paredes, David Lane,
Jan Lorenz, Andras Lorincz, Ed MacKerrow, Charles M. Macal, Michael Macy,
Michael Makowsky, Thomas Malsch, Andre C. R. Martins, Dan Miodownik, Ivica
Mitrovic, Adriano Oliveira-Sousa, Javier Pajares, Domenico Parisi, Amy
Perfors, Daniel Polani, Nicolas Perez, Bill Rand, Fatima Rateb, Robert
Kurt Richardson, Rick L. Riolo, Alan Roach, Andrea Rodgriguez, David L.
Sallach, Brian Sallans, Maxi San Miguel, Keith Sawyer, Martijn C. Schut,
Andrew Smith, Flaminio Squazzoni, Armano Srbljinovic, Dietrich Stauffer, Rob
Stocker, Troy J Strader, Chuen-Tsai Sun, Pontus Svenson, Erol Taymaz, Warren
Thorngate, Laurent Toubiana, Klaus G. Troitzsch, M. Afzal Upal, Diemo Urbig,
Marco Valente, Paul Vogt, Zhigang Wang, Gerard Weisbuch, Lu Yang, and Daniel
If you would like to volunteer as a referee and have published at least one
refereed article in the academic literature, you may do so by completing the
form at http://www.epress.ac.uk/JASSS/webforms/new_referee.php

Peer-reviewed Articles

How Can Social Networks Ever Become Complex? Modelling the Emergence of
Complex Networks from Local Social Exchanges
by Josep M. Pujol, Andreas Flache, Jordi Delgado and Ramon Sanguesa

Violence and Revenge in Egalitarian Societies
by Stephen Younger

Influence of Local Information on Social Simulations in Small-World Network
by Chung-Yuan Huang, Chuen-Tsai Sun and Hsun-Cheng Lin

It Pays to Be Popular: a Study of Civilian Assistance and Guerrilla Warfare
by Scott Wheeler

Special Section on Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
by Ulrich Frank and Klaus G. Troitzsch

Towards Good Social Science
by Scott Moss and Bruce Edmonds

A Framework for Epistemological Perspectives on Simulation
by Joerg Becker, Bjoern Niehaves and Karsten Klose

What is the Truth of Simulation?
by Alex Schmid

The Logic of the Method of Agent-Based Simulation in the Social Sciences:
Empirical and Intentional Adequacy of Computer Programs
by Nuno David, Jaime Simao Sichman and Helder Coelho

Validation of Simulation: Patterns in the Social and Natural Sciences
by Guenter Kueppers and Johannes Lenhard

Stylised Facts and the Contribution of Simulation to the Economic Analysis
of Budgeting
by Bernd-O. Heine, Matthias Meyer and Oliver Strangfeld

Does Empirical Embeddedness Matter? Methodological Issues on Agent-Based
Models for Analytical Social Science
by Riccardo Boero and Flaminio Squazzoni

Caffe Nero: the Evaluation of Social Simulation
by Petra Ahrweiler and Nigel Gilbert

Book Reviews (Review editor: Edmund Chattoe)

Edmund Chattoe reviews:
Routines of Decision Making by Betsch, Tilmann and Haberstroh, Susanne


The new issue can be accessed through the JASSS home page: <

The next issue will be published at the end of January 2006.

Submissions are welcome: see http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/admin/submit.html

Editor: Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey, UK
Forum Editor: Klaus G. Troitzsch, Koblenz-Landau University, Germany
Review Editor: Edmund Chattoe, University of Oxford, UK
Sent from the EPRESS journal management system, http://www.epress.ac.uk
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Fwd: [JASSS] New issue of Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, vol. 8(4)

Joseph Dalessandro
23 posts
Have you checked out the RSS feed? The feed presents an abstract for
each paper.


On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 10:38:51 -0700, "Robert Holmes" <rholmes62 at gmail.com>

> JASSS have a special issue about the epistemology of simulation. Looks
> like
> there's a lot of thought provoking papers in this issue (too many!).
> Perhaps
> we should divide the load up between us all to work out which are the
> good
> ones :)
> Robert