[Fwd: IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award]

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[Fwd: IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award]

Robert J. Cordingley
 From AAAI, perhaps of interest to some in this group?
Robert C

IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award

Nominations are invited for the 2006 Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award sponsored by IFAAMAS, the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (<http://www.ifaamas.org/>http://www.ifaamas.org).

This award includes a certificate signed by the IFAAMAS Chair and 1500EUR.

Eligible doctoral dissertations are those defended between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006 in the area of Autonomous Agents or Multiagent Systems.

The selection of the PhD will be based on the originality, depth, impact, and written quality of the work. Work supported by high quality publications will be considered more favourably. Work that is attributed to the student?s own initiative will also be considered more favourably. The selection committee will be the last arbiter in the decision process. The selection committee might decide to consult external assessors and reserves the right not to award the prize if the nominations do not match the expected quality level.

The dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor that has to send the following items to the chair of the award selection committee:

A. A pdf file with the thesis.

B. A list of papers published that are directly related to the thesis work.

C. A document written by the supervisor arguing the merit of the work and highlighting, where relevant, how the work resulted from the initiative of the student. This document should also certify the eligibility of the PhD asserting the date of the defence. (max. 500 words).

D. If the thesis is not written in English, the nomination must include a long paper in English, published in a journal or a prestigious conference. The nominee should be the first author of the paper.

E. Up to three reference letters from researchers connected with the research of the candidate, signed and scanned as pdf files.

The winner commits to attend the AAMAS07 conference where he/she will receive the award and present the dissertation during an hour in a special session. The cost of attending the conference is not covered by the award.

The documentation should reach the chair of the selection committee (Carles Sierra, <mailto:sierra at iiia.csic.es>sierra at iiia.csic.es) before February 28, 2007. The submission must be a web link pointing to the pdf files of the thesis and accompanying papers and documents. No individual files should be sent by email.

Selection committee:

Lin Padgham
Jeff Rosenschein
Tuomas Sandholm
Carles Sierra (Chair)
Liz Sonnenberg
Milind Tambe
