I'm forwarding an e-mail from a close friend and colleague who is doing terrific out-of-the-box work, and thought you guys might be interested and perhaps even have some suggestions for networking, funding, etc.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Lorelei Kelly <[hidden email]>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: I LOVED seeing you!
To: Merle Lefkoff <
[hidden email]>
So the two projects I have that are imminently fundable:
1. a technical system assessment of the US Congress. This will be partnered with
Association for Computing Machines--the largest Computer Science learned society in the world. We just finished the proposal today. The project home will be X Labs at the Open Technology Institute--a new organization dedicated to anticipating and building the next generation of technology for public policy. This assessment will be basic and provide a unique map of the layers of ICT on Capitol Hill...new and old, institutional and proprietary, House and Senate...How is the institution connected? How is it talking within itself, to its support agencies? to the Executive Branch? Where are new capabilities creating best practices? i.e. internal clouds, publishing automation, APIs, transparency in process, workflow management efficiency. The intent of this research is to do the groundwork for the next Joint Committee on Operational Reform (the last one was in 1994). Nothing like this overall picture assessment exists that incorporates all the changes in technology since 1994. $80K
2. assess and organize a civic technology "hacker lab" through the Human Rights Commission in the House of Representatives. I'd like to partner this with the new
Edward M Kennedy Institute for the Senate at U Mass Boston. Transparency rules changes and upgrades in technology have opened up congressional policy processes. De-centralized, real-time and agile technology tools exist that could supplement the oversight and deliberation processes . The HRC is bipartisan and has official offices on Capitol Hill--though it is under capacity. It is an ideal venue inside Congress to test drive the potential benefits of open gov on behalf of human rights issues. $50K
Ideas or pitches to people who might be interested most welcome!
Let me check out Ellison's staff list to see if I know anyone up there anymore!
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