Amusingly my work around for googlesUX problems is to keep a ooold coppy of FireFox (or IEE) on hand old as in version 20 or V4 old. Old enough to to not have support for HTML 5 such that it reverts to HTML4 with PHP.
It works with youtube, and used to work for Gmail. I haven't tested with googlemaps.
Frankly to say that I don't like googles (in my opnionion) EPICLY, Fail UX's is a understatement. So I keep those ol' browsers around.
Works with Safari+youtube as well to work around the asinine autostart (does nothing for the equally asinine adds though)-
Though I'm glad others don't like the floating doodad in the middle of the screen.
Here's the 500doller a share question: Given googles "dubius" US choices of late: Where's the choice from $pple or M$?. It'd be nice to have more choices. Particularly when theoptions are complementary.For instance DropBox pairs very well with Gdrive. DropBox handles large vector files (kinda-sorta-better) for example. (SkyDrive is AWSOME for documents)- etc etc.
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