Fwd: FW: Citations and the punitive university: Kurt Schick: Dan Novak: Rich Murray 2011.10.31

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Fwd: FW: Citations and the punitive university: Kurt Schick: Dan Novak: Rich Murray 2011.10.31

Rich Murray-2
Fwd: FW: Citations and the punitive university: Kurt Schick: Dan Novak: Rich Murray 2011.10.31

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rich Murray <[hidden email]>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: FW: Citations and the punitive university
To: Dan Novak <[hidden email]>, Rich Murray <[hidden email]>, Rich Murray <[hidden email]>

Yer yersef a pretty bold, original, creative, original, lucid, deep, inspiring thinker writer...

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 9:46 AM, Dan Novak <[hidden email]> wrote:



-----Original Message-----
From: URI General Discussion List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Dan Novak
Monday, October 31, 2011 12:33 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Citations and the punitive university


Good Morning!


I am sure I am in a minority here – so don’t waste too much breath on me.  But I have rarely heard such good sense, common sense, sound sense from an academic before!  A gift from warm hands, a warm heart, a balanced perspective. 


I couldn’t agree more with the below article.


What’s involved here is not just paper etiquette, pro forma protocol, and the gospel according to Hoyle – but a real pedagogical and university mission divide. 


Progressive educator and philosopher John Dewey would be proud of our Chronicle author and this article.  It runs against the paranoid grain of so much of contemporary education practice on all levels – including of course, the Leave No Child Behind well-meaning debacle.  Dewey was right: true measures arise in pursuing authentic process.


Education, like government, has polar shifted so much to the ideologically conservative axis that we have barely realized how much the self-doubting assessment mania has left things in charge of the accountability-accountant mentality. 


We know there’s plenty wrong with higher ed and we keep thinking, the more screws to tighten up on student performance the better, the more external checks the better the core process of learning is.  It works less and less and we are perplexed as to why.  Without our armada of extrinsic measures – and correlative threats and pressures – we feel there is no rigor and less results.  We keep falling according to international standards of achievement, we keep sliding, but don’t know why.  How can we be competitive? 


Where have standards gone?  O tempora, o mores!  We are nice, use fancy techniques, plead with students for their own welfare, but they don’t seem to respond on cue.  Or maybe they do.  They know that the underlying context (threat) is that grades are important for a job.  Or else!  And they do work diligently in this punishing regime.  And yet there is not an iota of joy in this process, and perhaps less real achievement.  Not to mention students’ viscerally knowing that a degree in this similarly constricted jobs environment means less and less.  The treadmill, as eloquently evidenced and attested to in the below expose of one of the obsessive cogs in this debilitating and interlocking machinery, goes on.


We need to rediscover some indigenous American strengths – our creativity, our curiosity and our restless willingness to explore.  We’ve almost forgotten these things!  We do need to jettison our plausible Puritanism and endless educational and attitudinal corsets.  We need to shift from a culture of extrinsic motivations and measures that hobble the real excitement and passion of learning to rediscover the intrinsic motivations and measures, the satisfactions that attend tons and tons of work and refinement done in a way that codifies freedom and expresses an almost athletic and superlative joy. 


Best writing teacher I ever had (in high school) made us write and read to the very edge of our boundaries and beyond.  He was incredibly demanding!  But our passion, learning and enjoyment, our genuine and hard-won refinement, eventually matched his.  We became truly active and empowered beings and not empty and impoverished marionettes.


There is much to be learned in the ultimately satisfying shift in American culture from the ironically debasing rants of pseudo-rigor to a new ethos that – like a true learning society – summons our collective best.  We think we are involved in inquiry; we are not.  Under all the make-nice icing, we currently suffer in the punitive university.   


Cheers, Dan Novak



-----Original Message-----
From: URI General Discussion List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Dr. Rosa Maria Pegueros
Sunday, October 30, 2011 7:09 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Citations


They'll have to rip them out of my cold, dead hands!



Chronicle of Higher Education



October 30, 2011

Citation Obsession? Get Over It!

Citation Obsession? Get Over It! 1

Michael Morgenstern for The Chronicle

Enlarge Image

By Kurt Schick

My university recently convened an emergency "summit" for librarians, tutors, and concerned faculty members to solve a citation crisis. Our library help desks reportedly cannot complete their core mission of assisting students with information literacy (finding, choosing, and using sources) because students keep pestering them with questions about how to format obscure citations: "I'm analyzing poetry for my 'Punk Literature' seminar. Using MLA style, how do I cite a limerick scribbled in the third-floor toilet?"

Meanwhile, the writing center stinks of fear as students struggle to decipher APA, MLA, AP, and Chicago (or is it Turabian?) documentation styles, which seem as alien and absurd to them as using a typewriter. Academic departments and even whole colleges consistently beg the library and writing center for workshops to rehabilitate their worst citation transgressors. Bibliographic citation has apparently eclipsed perfect grammar and the five-paragraph theme as the preoccupation of persnickety professors.

What a colossal waste. Citation style remains the most arbitrary, formulaic, and prescriptive element of academic writing taught in American high schools and colleges. Now a sacred academic shibboleth, citation persists despite the incredibly high cost-benefit ratio of trying to teach students something they (and we should also) recognize as relatively useless to them as developing writers.

Professors' obsession with citation formatting is relatively new. Many of us over the age of 40 probably cannot remember learning much about citation styles until graduate school—not because our memories have faded, but because our teachers knew better than to demand that we fret about such specialized, scholarly formalities. It's not that they were teaching us to be sloppy scholars, either. On the contrary, they emphasized how to effectively and responsibly locate, evaluate, and integrate other writers' words and ideas into our own writing better, perhaps, than we teach students to do today. Surely, the uneven quality of information available online makes it more important for writers to know how to evaluate the worth of their sources than how to parse pedantic rules and display their expertise in footnoting.

What I advocate here is not to dispense with teaching students how to use sources but rather to abandon our fixation on the form rather than the function of source attribution. Here's why: We cannot control how much time and effort students invest in a particular writing assignment; we can only influence how they distribute their energies. Professors' overattention to flawless citation (or grammar) creates predictable results: Students expend a disproportionate amount of precious time and attention trying to avoid making mistakes. Soon, they also begin to associate "good" writing with mechanically following rules rather than developing good ideas.

In contrast, experienced writers (like us) edit meticulously only after they have allocated substantial effort to more complex and consequential writing tasks, such as refining their topics, selecting and processing their sources, organizing their ideas, and drafting and revising their manuscripts to improve focus and coherence. Nitpicky professors hinder student writers' development by effectively forcing them to invest more time and thinking in less important elements of writing.

Recent research by the Citation Project corroborates how severely teachers' citation psychosis has diminished students' information-literacy skills, in particular. Rebecca Moore Howard and Sandra Jamieson blame "plagiarism hysteria," which compels teachers to punish improper citation more than reward students' effective use of sources' words and ideas. Thus, clever students master quotation "mining" and sloppy paraphrasing, and they rarely summarize (or, presumably, deeply read or understand) their sources. Why should they, when success equals completing a checklist ("minimum of six sources including two books, two peer-reviewed articles ... proper MLA format, including a period before the parenthetical citation for block quotations") rather than composing writing that engages readers with sophisticated content or, heaven forbid, eloquent prose? Should we not judge writing on its content and character rather than its surface features?

The intricacies and formalities of citation become useful to scholars only when they publish their work. Until then, they need a bookkeeping system to keep track of where they found things (a system that others might later use to retrace their steps), and some means of attributing their sources and thus establishing the credibility of information for their audiences. More than anything, source attribution enables students—who, by virtue of being students, don't yet know much about a subject—to borrow knowledge and ethos from those who do. It's just about that simple.

What might be more surprising is how simple formal citation mechanics really are. Citation contents are virtually the same across styles and disciplines: author's name(s), title(s), publication information. As anyone who's translated a manuscript from MLA to APA and then to Chicago format knows, the only differences are sequence, punctuation, and format. Why, then, could we not simply ask students to include a list of references with the essential information? Why couldn't we wait to infect them with citation fever until they are ready to publish (and then hand them the appropriate style guide, which is typically no more difficult to follow than instructions for programming your DVR)?

We could then reinvest time wasted on formatting to teach more-important skills like selecting credible sources, recognizing bias or faulty arguments, paraphrasing and summarizing effectively, and attributing sourced information persuasively and responsibly.

If anything, we should abandon trivial roadblocks so that students can write more often in more classes. Recent research demonstrates how effectively and efficiently writing can improve comprehension of content in any discipline. Writing also enables students to practice analysis, synthesis, and other skills that constitute critical, creative, and even civic thinking. If writing provides one of our best means to enhance learning outcomes across the curriculum, then more writing equals more learning. Why would we design writing assignments with obstacles that discourage students from learning?

Kurt Schick teaches writing at James Madison University.



Dr. Rosa Maria Pegueros, J.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department  of  History
 &  Women's  Studies  Program
University of Rhode Island, RI 02881-0817
Phone: <a href="tel:%28401%29%20874-4092" value="+14018744092" target="_blank">(401) 874-4092; Fax 874-2595
E-mail: [hidden email]
Professing History:

"Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducated the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. And you cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore."                                                                                                                               -Cesar E. Chavez




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