Fwd: [FFF] Fractals in Santa Fe this Wednesday

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Fwd: [FFF] Fractals in Santa Fe this Wednesday

Don Begley
A quick reminder--Jonathan Wolfe joins us at the complex tonight at 6:00. Admission is free; come by.

Don Begley
Managing Director
Santa Fe Complex
624 Agua Fria
Santa Fe, NM 87501

505.670.9432 (cell)

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From: Jonathan Wolfe <[hidden email]>
Date: July 29, 2008 4:15:26 PM MDT
Subject: [FFF] Fractals in Santa Fe this Wednesday
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Dear Fractal Fans!

Thanks to everyone who came out last weekend to enjoy the fractals at Summerfest. It was FUN!

I want to let you know about another fun, FREE, public event happening tomorrow night in Santa Fe. I'll be giving a talk/show about fractals at the exciting new "Santa Fe Complex." This beautiful venue is all about blending science art and technology, and so a fractal show is the perfect thing to bring into the mix. The event is even called a "Blender", and they happen most Wednsday nights at the Santa Fe Complex.  Learn more info at SFComplex.org . The event will run from 6-9, and will involve both  a visual/musical fractal show and an interactive conversation about fractals, chaos theory, art,  nature, math, etc. It promises to be lots of fun, and I hope to see some of you there!

    And if you're in Albuquerque, don't forget about First Friday Fractals and our exciting new entertainment show, "Fractals Rock!" at the Planetarium in the Natural History Museum this Friday, August 1'st.

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    Thanks to you - our fractal fans - we keep selling out, every single show, while doing no advertising at all! It's unbelievable! Thanks so much for inviting your friends, which is how this keeps spreading. And don't wait till the last minute to buy your own tickets either :)

-Jonathan Wolfe, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Next "First Friday Fractals" Show: August 1'st
Fractals are SMART: Science, Math & Art!
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