Fwd: Deriving and driving

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Fwd: Deriving and driving

Steve Smith
This just in from an eloquent friend of mine who, as many of us here I fear,  has fond memories of the famous "slip stick"...

Jack also shares with me, a love of seeking answers to things we forget over time, by returning to "first principles".

With that, I give to you a man who can say it better than I ever will.

- Steve

And a reference for Guerin who knows all about being angry at the boat, here we have building a raft once already at sea.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Deriving and driving
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 17:36:36 -0700
From: Jack K. Horner [hidden email]
To: Jack Horner [hidden email]

I recently purchased a used Pickett Microline 120 slide rule on eBay, the 
only thing I've ever acquired that way.  With just 9 scales, it's nothing 
exotic.  In its day, it was good enough to get one through the average EE 

It came with no documentation.

I had forgotten what all but the C and D scales did.

There appears to be free documentation on the web, but why read when you can 

Thanks to some take-no-prisoners math teachers in my youth, I  still recall 
the values of various logarithms and trig functions.  Within 15 minutes and 
a couple of shots of the Blood of the Sacred Agave, I was therefore able to 
induce the meanings of other 7 scales.  The rest of the story is remembering 
that a conventional "slipstick" maps real numbers, considered as lengths, 
into their logarithms.

I think I never had a truly visceral grasp of the principle of a slide rule 
until my memory became worth less than ... well ...  you know ... whatever. 
Fortunately, as my command of many particulars sank into the swamp, I 
learned how to derive at least some of what I needed to know from first 

Those who  no longer command first principles have, as Russell said, the 
task of the philosopher, who must build his/her raft at sea.

Jack K. Horner
P.O. Box 266
Los Alamos, NM  87544
Voice: 505-455-0381
Fax: 505-455-0382
email: [hidden email] 

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