Fwd: [Cs500] cyberattack colloquium

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Fwd: [Cs500] cyberattack colloquium

Owen Densmore
This looks good .. I'm going to try to attend.  RailRunner is good way to go.

    -- Owen

Begin forwarded message:

From: Cris Moore <[hidden email]>
Date: April 21, 2010 10:57:54 AM MDT
To: cs500 <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Cs500] cyberattack colloquium

Instead of class tomorrow, I encourage/require/demand that you attend this even on cybersecurity (see below).  It promises to be very interesting---as you know, this issue is only going to get more important in the future.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Dan Cosper <[hidden email]>
Date: April 15, 2010 9:31:58 AM MDT
Subject: [Colloquia] Special colloquium on Thursday, April 22 at 2:00 PM

The UNM Center for Science, Technology, and Policy (CSTP) and the
Computer Science Department will hold a joint colloquium and panel...
Thursday, April 22nd
Talk by Herb Lin (National Academies, details below) begins at 2:00pm,
panel begins at 3:00pm in the same room

Where: ME 218 (Mechanical Engineering) on the main UNM campus in Albuquerque

Title - Understanding Cyberattack as an Instrument of U.S. Policy

Much has been written about the possibility that terrorists or hostile
nations might conduct cyberattacks against critical sectors of the
U.S. economy.  However, the possibility that the United States might
conduct its own cyberattacks -- defensively or otherwise -- has
received almost no public discussion. Recently, the US National
Academies performed a comprehensive unclassified study of the
technical, legal, ethical, and policy issues surrounding cyberattack
as an instrument of U.S. policy.  This talk will provide a framework
for understanding this emerging topic and the critical issues that
surround it.

Herbert S. Lin is chief scientist for the National Research Council's
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board where he directs major
study projects at the intersection of public policy and information
technology.  Relevant for this talk, he was study director of the 2009
Academy study "Technology, Policy, Law, and Ethics Regarding U.S.
Acquisition and Use of Cyberattack Capabilities."  He previously
served as staff scientist in defense policy and arms control for the
House Armed Services Committee. Lin holds a doctorate in physics from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

David Ackley (Associate Professor, UNM Dept. of Computer Science;
External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute)
Daniel Dennett (University Professor and Austin B. Fletcher Professor
of Philosophy, Tufts University; Miller Scholar, Santa Fe Institute)
Robert Hutchinson (Senior Manager for Computer Science and
Information Operations; Sandia National Laboratories)
Herbert Lin (Chief Scientist at the Computer Science and
Telecommunications Board, National Research Council of the National
Andrew Ross (Director, UNM Center for Science, Technology and Policy;
Professor, UNM Dept. of Political Science)

The report is availble here:


and as a PDF:


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Cristopher Moore
Professor, Computer Science / Physics and Astronomy
University of New Mexico
and the Santa Fe Institute

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