Subject: CSSS 2010 to Feature Panel Discussions on State of the Art and Future of Computational Social Sciences
CSSS Graduate Student Research Award submissions close August 1, 2010 Hosted by: ASU Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity November 5-6, 2010 Featured Panels at CSSS 2010 Coinciding with the increased prominence of Computational Social Science has been the expanding breadth of scientific topics subject to its methodological tools. At CSSS 2010 we are solidifying this expansion by offering a series of topic panels to provide attendees an opportunity to discuss the state of the art – and the future – in areas that are fertile for investigators. We expect panels and other educational venues to become standard fare in forthcoming CSSS meetings. Three panels are planned this year: (1) Computational Modeling and Policy Making; (2) GIS and ABM; and (3) Teaching ABM. ABMs Informing Policy: Guidance or Gimmick?
The Exultation and Agony of Combining GIS and ABM
Learning ABM with a Focus on NET-LOGO as a Teaching Tool
Important Dates September 15, 2010: Final camera-ready abstracts due in electronic form. Accepted abstracts will be distributed to the conference participants Conference Chair William A. Griffin, Ph.D. Arizona State University If you have questions please contact: Lyn Mowafy, Coordinator Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems | 900 S Cady Mall, Rm 233 | Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ 85281 | US Unsubscribe from future marketing messages from Consortium for Biosocial Complex Systems ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
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