Forwarded from Tom Barbalet's Biota list:
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Date: April 28, 2010 3:49:25 PM PDT
Subject: Evolutionary Art Competition
Greetings fellow artists, programmers, and idea breeders...
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) will be holding a competition for artists to submit works. Last year, Spot Draves and I were the winners of the competition, and we were asked this year to help with organization, jurying, and identifying creative individuals who might be interested in submitting work. That is why I am contacting you (the recipient list is large and thus included in the 'Bcc').
* Submission deadline: June 18, 2010
* Conference: July 7-11, 2010
We will accept original works of a variety of media, including: images, sculptures, musical systems, video, and interactive online experiences. We will also accept computational systems that exhibit some form of independent creativity.
Human creativity is a blip on the screen of evolutionary time. The long history of biosphere creativity can be tapped in algorithmic form. This is the motivation for many of us who explore evolutionary art.
The official announcement is posted here on the GECCO web site:
Below is the text of the announcement.
Evolutionary Art Competition
This competition invites conference participants to demonstrate that genetic and evolutionary
computation can be applied to create impressive and provocative works of art. The competition
will identify the best work, be it an image, a sculpture, a music score, a video, an interactive
online experience, or a system that exhibits some form of independent creativity.
Entry Submission
Entrants must submit: (1) a brief artistic statement illustrating the concept, (2) a short paper
describing the technical details, and (3) a set of multimedia files to illustrate the result of the
evolutionary process. Artists can either submit five still images, or a video of up to 5 minutes, or
a sound file of up to 5 minutes. All submissions should be sent to 
by June 18, 2010.
The submissions will be evaluated by a jury of researchers from the evolutionary computation
and the technological arts communities, who will evaluate the submissions on the following
criteria: originality (50 %), technical quality (30 %), and relevance to evolutionary art and the
goals of the competition (20 %).
Finalists selected by the jury will be invited to present their submission at the competition
session, held during the GECCO conference. The winner of the competition will be announced
at the SIGEVO meeting ceremony, on July 11, 2010.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 18, 2010
Conference: July 7-11, 2010
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