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Fwd: Awareness Watch Newsletter V7N4 April 2009 Announcement

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Fwd: Awareness Watch Newsletter V7N4 April 2009 Announcement

Tom Johnson
fyi.  I find Marcus' reports to be comprehensive and, hey, the price is right.

Bill Press:  Be sure to read down to find the section on bio informatics.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A. <[hidden email]>
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:35 AM
Subject: Awareness Watch Newsletter V7N4 April 2009 Announcement
To: [hidden email]

It gives me great pleasure to announce my April 2009 V7N4 Awareness
Watch Newsletter. It is a freely available 57 page .pdf document
(1.48MB) from the below URL. This month's featured report will be
highlighting Grid, Distributed and Cloud Computing Resources. These
resources are designed to be your private virtual library for the
latest and greatest grid, distributed and cloud computing search
engines, subject directories and resources that are currently
available from the Internet. With the advent of faster and more
powerful personal and enterprise computing, these resources are now
becoming of paramount importance in the development of new and
exciting ways that we can harness the power of grid, distributed and
cloud computing in our business and personal lives! Very soon these
resources will make a true difference in the way we use the Internet
and how computing applications will be used. The Awareness Watch
Spotters cover many excellent and newly released annotated current
awareness research sources and tools as well as the latest identified
Internet happenings and resources including a number of neat and
must-have tools! The Awareness Watch Article Review covers
Cross-language Search: The Case of Google Language Tools by Jiangping
Chen, Yu Bao.

April 2009 V7N4 Awareness Watch Newsletter

Awareness Watch Newsletter Blog and Archives

Also my April 2009 Zillman Column is now available and is titled
Biological Informatics Resources. This April 2009 Zillman Column is a
comprehensive list of resources and sites that give you the latest and
most important information concerning biological informatics resources
available over the Internet including biological informatics, health
informatics, neuroinformatics, biodiversity informatics and
biomolecular informatics resources. These resources and sources will
help you to discover the many pathways available to you through the
Internet for obtaining and locating biological informatics in todays
rapidly changing biological global marketplace. This is a MUST
information keeper for those concerned about the latest happenings in
the biological information business and services environment! Download
this excellent freely available 34 page .pdf (.98MB) column today!

April 2009 Zillman Column - Biological Informatics Resources

Zillman Column Archives

Please spread the word about these freely available publications to
all your friends and associates!!



Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., A.M.H.A.
Internet  Expert, Author, Keynote Speaker and Corporate Consultant
Awareness Watch Newsletter
eVoice: 800-858-1462

J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)
http://www.jtjohnson.com                 [hidden email]

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