This is one of those CMU talks that may be of interest to Friammers. Keith,
why don't you go and send us comments :-)
Frank C. Wimberly 505 995-8715 or 505
670-9918 (mobile)
140 Calle Ojo Feliz
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Santa Fe, NM 87505 Original Message -----
From: Diane Stidle
[hidden email]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 10:22 AM
Subject: Reminder - KDD Project Presentation Today!
Date: Thursday, August 7, 2003
Time: 3:00pm (Refreshments)
Place: 3305 Newell-Simon Hall
Speaker: Edoardo Airoldi
Advisor: Christos Faloutsos
Title: Advances in Network Tomography
Knowledge about the origin-destination (OD) traffic matrix allows us to
solve problems in design, routing, configuration debugging, monitoring and
pricing. Direct measurement of these flows is usually not implemented
because it is too expensive. A recent work provided a quick method to learn
the OD traffic matrix from a set of available standard measurements, which
correspond traffic flows observed on the link of a network every 5 minutes.
Such a time span allows for more computationally expensive methods that in
turn yield a better estimate of the OD traffic matrix.
In this work we are the first to explicitly introduce time in learning the
OD traffic matrix. The second contribution is that we are the first to use
realistic non-Gaussian marginals, specifically the Gamma and the successful
log-Normal ones. We combine both these ideas in a novel, doubly stochastic
and time-varying Bayesian dynamical system, and provide a simple and
elegant solution to obtain informative prior distributions for the
stochastic dynamical behavior. Our method out-performs existing solutions
in a realistic setting.