Friam meeting 7/2?

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Friam meeting 7/2?


Will you be meeting this Friday, given that it precedes the long holiday weekend?
If so, my son (a new listserv subscriber) and I would love to visit: his first time; my first return visit after 4-5 years.  Still at St. John's?
One reply to my personal email -- [hidden email] -- (not the entire group) is sufficient.

Mike Kruchoski

Independent research, analysis, engineering, and
technical communications for inventors & entrepreneurs

Postal:  1408 Arizona St NE, ABQ NM 87110
Email:   [hidden email]
Voice:   505.480.5000 (New Mexico)
           202.747.6277 (Washington DC)
           372.59.210.098 (International)
Skype:  mike.kruchoski
Fax:    505.480.5000

The World According to Mike: (1,001 tweets & then he was gone!)

Member of the New Mexico Internet Professionals
Association (NMIPA) 1997-2009

Judge, Math Analysis category
2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

Venha ao Brasil comigo ("Come to Brazil With Me!") for the
adventure of a lifetime

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at
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Re: Friam meeting 7/2?

Tom Johnson
I can't speak for others, of course, but I plan to be at FRIAM this week.
-tom johnson

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:48 PM, <[hidden email]> wrote:

Will you be meeting this Friday, given that it precedes the long holiday weekend?
If so, my son (a new listserv subscriber) and I would love to visit: his first time; my first return visit after 4-5 years.  Still at St. John's?
One reply to my personal email -- [hidden email] -- (not the entire group) is sufficient.

Mike Kruchoski

Independent research, analysis, engineering, and
technical communications for inventors & entrepreneurs

Postal:  1408 Arizona St NE, ABQ NM 87110
Email:   [hidden email]
Voice:   505.480.5000 (New Mexico)
           202.747.6277 (Washington DC)
           372.59.210.098 (International)
Skype:  mike.kruchoski
Fax:    505.480.5000

The World According to Mike: (1,001 tweets & then he was gone!)

Member of the New Mexico Internet Professionals
Association (NMIPA) 1997-2009

Judge, Math Analysis category
2007 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

Venha ao Brasil comigo ("Come to Brazil With Me!") for the
adventure of a lifetime

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                    505.473.9646(h)                 [hidden email]

"Be Your Own Publisher"

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at