Owen Densmore wrote:
> We're putting on a new roof on our house and are considering
> "foam" (sprayed polyurethane foam or SPF) roofing. Does anyone have
> a foam room or info on how well they work?
Don't have one, but a friend does. He had leak problems for a long
time and they seem to have stopped with a foam roof. Personally, I
would never have a flat roof in our area. Everyone I've known who had
one, including my friend until the latest re-roofing, has had leak
problems. The oldest houses in Corrales, where I live, all have steeply
pitched tin roofs. The flat roof craze started in the post-WWII boom
Ray Parks rcparks at sandia.gov
IDART Project Lead Voice:505-844-4024
IORTA Department Fax:505-844-9641
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