Final Program Announcement - Science of Consciousness - Apr 25-30 2016 Tucson

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Final Program Announcement - Science of Consciousness - Apr 25-30 2016 Tucson

Russ Abbott
Nick and Eric,  

How can you miss it?

Final 2016 Conference Program 

The Science of Consciousness 
April 25-30, 2016, Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson, Arizona  

"To have a glimpse of what consciousness is would be the scientific achievement before which all others would pale." -  William James  

After 23 years, the seminal conference 'Toward a Science of Consciousness' is now simply 'The Science of Consciousness'. But as consciousness cannot be observed, scientifically explained, nor commonly defined, is there now truly a 'Science of Consciousness'? Are we there yet? 

We do have essential questions. Is the brain a computer? Does it process or generate conscious information as output?  When, where, and how did consciousness evolve? Can we have free will, or are we just 'along for the ride'? Will consciousness be reproduced through brain mapping, transhumanism and/or artificial intelligence? Or, does the brain 'tune into' and organize consciousness or its precursors existing naturally in the universe? What are the implications of either view on the nature of existence, and treatment of mental and cognitive disorders? 

These and many other questions will be debated in a week-long gathering of 800 to 900 scientists, philosophers, artists, meditators and interested people from 50 countries at Loews Ventana Canyon, a luxurious eco-lodge in the mountains just north of Tucson, Arizona. The program will consist of Pre-Conference Workshops, Plenary talks, Concurrent talks, Posters, Exhibits, Social Events and Entertainment. 

Sponsored by 
Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona
Center for Consciousness Science, The University of Michigan 

Important Links 

Conference Trailer Video Link?
Conference Website
Registration Link

Link to Abstracts 

General Conference Sessions 

Link to Plenary Abstracts           

Speaker Bios-click on photos 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 - 2:00 pm to 4:10 pm   

PL 1 -Five Roads to Consciousness (1)

Stanislas Dehaene, NSERM-CEA, Paris

Anil K. Seth, University of Sussex, Brighton 

Stuart Hameroff, University of Arizona, CCS, Tucson


Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - 8:30 am to 10:40 am

PL 2 - Brain Biology

Rudolph Tanzi, Harvard Medical School, Boston    

Selen Atasoy, Brain and Cognition, UPF, Barcelona

Anirban Bandyopadhyay, NIMS, Tsukuba     


Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - 11:10 am to 12:30 pm

PL 3 - Consciousness and Reality

Deepak Chopra, Chopra Foundation, UCSD   

David Chalmers, Australian National University, NYU 


Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - 2:00pm to 4:10 pm

PL 4 - Five Roads to Consciousness (2)

Naotsugu Tsuchiya, Monash University, Melbourne

Richard Brown, CUNY, Laguardia College, New York

Jakob Hohwy, Monash University, Melbourne  


Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 8:30 am to 10:40 am

PL 5 - Conscious Intention and Free Will 

Aaron Schurger, Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne  

Panel - Time, Free Will and the Brain

Ruth Kastner, University of Maryland 
Daniel Sheehan, University of San Diego
Ron Gruber, Stanford University
Martin Nowakowski, Gdansk University
Matti Vuorre, Columbia University
Julia Mossbridge, IONS


Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 11:10 am to 12:30 pm

PL 6 - AI/Machine Consciousness

Hartmut Neven, Google

Christian Szegedy, Google 


Friday, April 29, 2016 - 8:30 am to 10:40 am

PL 7 - Quantum Approaches 1

Henry Stapp, UC-Berkeley

Kelvin McQueen, University of Tel Aviv

Alyssa Ney, UC-Davis


Friday, April 29, 2016 - 11:10 am to 12:30 pm

PL 8 - Evolution and Consciousness

Terrence W. Deacon, UC-Berkeley

Katherine T. Peil, Northeastern U, Boston


Friday, April 29, 2016 - 2:00 pm to 4:10 pm

PL 9 - 'Pribram Session' - Brain Dynamics

Anthony Hudetz, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Walter J. Freeman, UC-Berkeley

Gyorgy Buzsaki, NYU Neuroscience Inst, NYC


Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 8:30 am to 10:40 am

PL 10 - Scale and Connectivity

Alison Gopnik, UC-Berkeley

Robin Carhart Harris, Imperial College, London

Martin Monti, Psychology, UCLA


Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 11:10 am to 12:30 pm

PL 11 - Quantum Approaches 2

Dean Radin, IONS, Petaluma

Stuart Kauffman, Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle  


Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 2:00 pm to 4:10 pm

PL 12  - NCC 3 -Anomalous Conscious Experience  

George Mashour, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Jimo Borjigin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Peter Fenwick, Kings College, Southampton


Tuesday April 26, Wednesday April 27, Friday April 29 -5:00 - 7:30 pm
Link to Concurrent Abstracts 


Concurrent Sessions C1-C8

Tuesday April 26, 2016   5:00 pm to 7:30 pm

C1   Knowledge Argument, Explanatory Gap and Conceivability

C2   Panpsychism, Idealism and Metaphysics 1

C3   Agency and Mental Causation

C4   Neural Correlate Of Consciousness (NCC) I

C5   Quantum Approaches

C6   Time and Consciousness

C7   Psi and Non-Locality

C8   Meditation and Technology


Concurrent Sessions (C9-C16)

Wednesday April 27, 2016    5:00 PM to 7:30 PM 

C9    Phenomenal Consciousness

C10  Panpsychism, Idealism and Metaphysics 2

C11  Agency and Free Will

C12  The Extended Mind

C13  Neural Correlates of Consciousness 2

C14  Vibrations, Scale and Topology

C15  Cellular and Intra-Cellular Processes

C16  Meditation 2


Concurrent Sessions (C17-C24)

Friday April 29, 2016   5:00 PM to 7:30 PM 

C17 Metacognition and Agency

C18  Panpsychism, Idealism and Metaphysics 3

C19  Unity and Self

C20  Ketamine and Anesthetics

C21  Sleep and Dreaming

C22  Machine Consciousness

C23  Quantum Biology

C24  Arts and Entertainment



Poster Session 1

Wednesday April 27, 7:00 - 10:00 pm

Poster Session 2

Friday April 29, 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Link to Poster Abstracts



Session 1

Wednesday April 27- 7:00-10:00pm  

Session 2

Friday April 29 - 7:00-10:00pm

Art-Tech DesignHealth Technology Exhibits and Vendors?

Link to Art-Tech Abstracts 



  • Club Consciousness / Hospitality Suite - Monday-Thursday 10:00 pm-midnight
  • Welcome Reception - Tuesday April 26, 7:00-10:00 pm
  • Dinner Under The Stars - Thursday April 28, 7:00-10:00 pm - optional
  • Poetry Slam/Zombie Blues/Talent Show - Friday April 29, 10:00 pm to midnight
  • 'End of Consciousness' Party - Saturday, April 30, 8:00 pm to??


Consciousness Central TV

Daily roundup with speakers, guests, commentators and fun from The Science of Consciousness Conference, hosted by Nick Day and Cameron Keys 

Pre-Conference Workshops April 25 and 26 (Optional)

Workshop Descriptions and Speaker Bios - here

Monday-Saturday daily sessions

7:00 am - 8:00 am

Tenniscentric Approach to Consciousness

Thursday, April 28 Tournament 3:00 pm  

Full Day East-West Forum

Sponsored by Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra

Monday April 25, 9:00am to 5:00pm

The East-West Forum is now a familiar feature at the TSC series of conferences, starting with TSC 2012 at Tucson,

TSC 2013 at DEI, Dayalbagh, India, TSC 2014 at Tucson again, and TSC 2015 at Helsinki, Finland.

The Fifth East-West Forum at TSC 2016 will be yet another landmark integration effort as part of the TSC-series.

The above quote rather prophetically captures these momentous events, when not just two strong men from

East and West stand face to face, but in fact, two galaxies of strong men and women from East and West meet

at Tucson, Arizona (USA) and Dayalbagh, Agra (India) also through video-conferencing. 

Pre-Conference Workshops-Link to Descriptions 

Monday Morning, April 25, 2016 9:00am-1:00pm     

Consciousness versus Attention 

PSI Research and Consciousness 

Consciousness, Memory and Music 

Curriculum for Consciousness Studies

DEI East-West Forum   full day

Kant and the Conscious Mind-Salon   

Altered State Healing in the Amazon 

Quantum Biology - Nature of Life 

Monday Afternoon, April 25, 2016 2:00pm-6:00pm

Consciousness in Animals

Consciousness and the Arts, I 

Designing a Conscious Robot 

DEI East-West Forum, II 

Naturalizing the Conscious Mind?

Transformative Technology

Unity of Consciousness 

Monday Evening, April 25, 2016 7:30pm-10:00pm 

Super Genes - Can Consciousness Guide Evolution?

(Deepak Chopra, Rudy Tanzi)  


Tuesday Morning, April 26, 2016 9:00am-1:00pm

Anesthesia Research and Consciousness

Complexity and Consciousness

Consciousness and the Arts II   

Hot Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience

First Person-Third Person Perspectives

Philosophical Theories of Consciousness 

Quantum AI and Machine Consciousness

Walter Freeman Festschrift


Conference Opening

Tuesday April 26

1:45 Kiva 



The Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona

The Center for Consciousness Science, The University of Michigan 


Additional Sponsors

Dennis Balson

Mani Bhaumik

The Chopra Foundation

Crystal Globe, Shanghai

Alvin J. Clark

Ron Gruber

Irwin Klee, Quantum Gravity Research

Sofia University

Yet-A-Del Foundation 


Technology Exhibitors

Dream Weaver






Quantum Gravity Research



Additional Exhibitors

JCS/Imprint Academic


Erfan Keyhani (Halgheh)


Additional Cooperating Organizations

Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, TUS Study

College of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, University of Arizona

UA Departments of Psychology, Cognitive Science Program, Philosophy

Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Journal of Consciousness Studies - Imprint Academic

Society for Mind-Matter Research

Consciousness Central TV

Swiss Biennial on Science, Technics + Aesthetics

Human-Animal Interaction Research Initiative

Transformative Technology Lab



Advertising Support

Journal of Consciousness Studies

American Psychological Association



Harmony Books /Penguin Random House



Whole Foods Tucson



Dorian Electra and the Electrodes

Michael P and the Gully Washers

Timbre Wolf



Commotion Studios


Program Committee

Stuart Hameroff, Co-Chair, University of Arizona

George Mashour, Co-Chair, University of Michigan 

Abi Behar-Montefiore, CCS, University of Arizona

Harald Atmanspacher, ETH Zurich

Brit Brogaard, University of Miami

Hakwan Lau, University of California at Los Angeles

Paavo Pylkkanen, Universities of Helsinki and Skovde

Jay Sanguinetti, University of Arizona

Marilyn Schlitz, Worldview Enterprises; IONS

Gino Yu, Hong Kong, Polytechnic Univ; SME Creativity Center



Contact: [hidden email]

Attn.: Abi Behar Montefiore 


The Center for Consciousness Studies - Since 1994 

The Science of Consciousness (TSC) is the largest and longest-running interdisciplinary conference emphasizing broad and rigorous approaches to conscious awareness, the nature of existence and our place in the universe. TSC brings together perspectives, orientations and methodologies from neuroscience, philosophy, medicine, quantum physics, cosmology, biology, psychology, anthropology, artificial intelligence, technology, contemplative and experiential traditions, the arts, culture, humanities and others. Cutting edge, controversial issues are emphasized.

TSC 2016 marks the 23rd annual TSC Conference and we are thrilled to return to Loews Ventana Canyon.  The TSC conferences are held in Tucson biennially since 1994, and co-sponsored TSC conferences occur elsewhere around the world in odd-numbered years, most recently in Helsinki, Finland in June 2015, organized by Paavo Pylkkanen, The University of Helsinki, and Skovde University, Sweden.  Next year, the 24th conference, TSC 2017, will be held in Shanghai, China, co-sponsored by Crystal Globe, Shanghai, China. TSC 2016 and future TSC conferences are co-sponsored and organized by the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and the Center for Consciousness Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 

History of TSC

The first TSC conference was held in 1994 in DuVal Auditorium at the University of Arizona Medical Center, and subsequently elsewhere in Tucson in even-numbered years. These have alternated with co-sponsored international TSC conferences in various locations around the world in odd-numbered years. The Center for Consciousness Studies (CCS) at the University of Arizona was established in 1998 by the Arizona Board of Regents. TSC and CCS are due to the work over the years of Al Kaszniak, David Chalmers, Jim Laukes, Jay Sanguinetti, Stuart Hameroff and the late Alwyn Scott, a co-founder of CCS. Since 2007, CCS and TSC have been successfully managed by Abi Behar-Montefiore, subsisting entirely on TSC conference registration fees and sponsorships.  CCS is hosted in the Department of Anesthesiology in the University of Arizona College of Medicine, and Banner-University Medical Center.

Thank you to our international colleagues and friends who

helped make TSC alternate year conferences possible:

1995    Ischia, Italy; Chloe Taddei-Ferretti                                                          

1997    Elsinore, Denmark; LO Skolen, Alwyn Scott

1999    Tokyo, Japan; UN University, Mari Jibu, Kunio Yasue

2001    Skovde, Sweden; University of Skovde, Paavo Pylkkanen

2003    Prague, Czech Republic; Ivan Havel

2005    Copenhagen, Denmark; Morten Overgard

2007    Budapest, Hungary; George Kampis

2009    Hong Kong, China; Hong Kong Polytechnic, Gino Yu

2011    Stockholm, Sweden; Christer Perfjell

2013    Agra, India; Rev. Prof. PS. Satsangi; Vishal Sahni

2015    Helsinki, Finland; University of Finland, Paavo Pylkkanen

2017   Shanghai, China - tba 

Conference Website      

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